The Maltese Falcon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Maltese Falcon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Effie say has tried to contact Spade?
(a) G
(b) Cairo
(c) Iva
(d) Polhaus

2. Why is Floyd dangerous?
(a) He works for the government
(b) He is a psychotic
(c) He is rich
(d) He is a hoodlum

3. Who announces the arrival of Miss Wonderly?
(a) Miles Archer
(b) Effie Perine
(c) Sam Spade
(d) Iva Archer

4. What does Cairo want Spade to help him find?
(a) A black statuette of a bird
(b) The ark
(c) A rare coin
(d) His mother

5. Who has called Spade at his office?
(a) Miss Wonderly
(b) Effie
(c) Iva Archer
(d) Floyd Thursby

6. What continent have Wonderly's parent traveled to?
(a) Europe
(b) Asia
(c) South America
(d) Africa

7. Why does Brigid feel distressed?
(a) She has not taken her pills
(b) She feels responsible for Miles' death
(c) Spade is pointing a gun at her
(d) Her corset is too tight

8. What two policeman are at the door?
(a) Polhaus and Dundy
(b) Polhaus and Jones
(c) Dundy and Jackson
(d) Jackson and Polhaus

9. What is the young doing?
(a) Loading his gun
(b) Reading the newspaper
(c) Talking on the phone
(d) Staring at Spade

10. How does Brigid react to Spade's declaration that he met Cairo?
(a) Happy
(b) Upset
(c) Angry
(d) Surprised

11. How does Dundy react to Spade's joke?
(a) Hit him
(b) Kicks him
(c) Handcuffs him
(d) Laughs

12. What does Spade look for in Brigid's apartment?
(a) The falcon
(b) Love letters
(c) Money
(d) Photographs

13. Why does Spade say he urged Cairo and Brigid to play along with his joke?
(a) He wanted to make them look stupid
(b) He was tired of answering questions
(c) He wanted to divert their attention
(d) He wanted to see Dundy smile

14. What did Spade earlier take from Cairo's pocket?
(a) $200
(b) Cigarettes
(c) Sweets
(d) A theater ticket

15. What does Spade say he does not have?
(a) Brigid
(b) Money
(c) Brigid's file
(d) The statuette

Short Answer Questions

1. Which character in this chapter has their gun drawn?

2. How much extra money does miss Wonderly give the detectives?

3. Where does Archer have to meet Miss Wonderly?

4. What color does Spade say Brigid's eyes are in this chapter?

5. Who yells from the living room?

(see the answer keys)

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