Mallory's Oracle Test | Final Test - Easy

Carol O'Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mallory's Oracle Test | Final Test - Easy

Carol O'Connell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who visits Edith's apartment and asks if Edith has Redwing's new address and phone number?
(a) Coffey.
(b) Redwing.
(c) Mallory.
(d) Butler.

2. Who keeps Mallory company in the hospital?
(a) Helen.
(b) Noah.
(c) McCoy.
(d) Riker.

3. Who does not have a spectacular send off after death?
(a) Kaplan.
(b) Butler.
(c) Coffey.
(d) Markowitz.

4. To whom does Mallory finally say goodbye on the street?
(a) Markowitz.
(b) Kaplan.
(c) Coffey.
(d) Butler.

5. Who finally tells Mallory that the reason Redwing has never been prosecuted is that one of the complainants vanished and the other died from a massive heart attack induced by fear?
(a) Helen.
(b) Riker.
(c) Ortega.
(d) Redwing.

6. Who emerges as a reluctant hero/ine by the end of the novel?
(a) Kaplan.
(b) Coffey.
(c) Mallory.
(d) Riker.

7. Who was unable to give Riker's boss the training he/she needed?
(a) Mallory.
(b) Riker.
(c) Markowitz.
(d) Ortega.

8. Who gets shot in Edith's apartment in the struggle with the killer?
(a) Markowitz.
(b) Coffey.
(c) Butler.
(d) Gaynor.

9. Whose obituary is in the newspaper?
(a) Coffey.
(b) Max.
(c) Mallory.
(d) Edith.

10. Who will surely go to jail for a long time?
(a) Edith.
(b) Coffey.
(c) Mallory.
(d) Max.

11. In the cryptic conversation with the mystery caller contacted by Evenroe, who was cast out of town?
(a) An old man.
(b) A young boy.
(c) A young girl.
(d) An old woman.

12. From what inside her tea cup, will Mallory learn about her future according to the dangerous person she visits that has a puppy sitting next to him/her?
(a) The fluid.
(b) The leaves.
(c) The dregs.
(d) The drugs.

13. Who steals the information from Edith's Rolodex about Redwing's address?
(a) Markowitz.
(b) Mallory.
(c) Butler.
(d) Coffey.

14. Why does Mallory not want to help the medium?
(a) Because of Butler.
(b) Because of Markowitz.
(c) Because of Banning.
(d) Because of Coffey.

15. Who visits Mallory in the hospital after she recovers from the tea?
(a) Mark and Manon.
(b) Jan and James.
(c) Coffey and Butler.
(d) Butler and Madison.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Mallory treat Butler in comparison to Edith?

2. What will be mostly done by the time Mallory returns from her trip?

3. Who jumps to the conclusion that Coffey has given into a conspiracy theory regarding the old women, threatening letters, and demands for money?

4. Who panhandles and calls Henry for money?

5. How old is Mallory?

(see the answer keys)

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