The Autobiography of Malcolm X Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Malcolm X Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose friends stop Malcolm and Archie from killing each other?
(a) Sammy's
(b) Archie's
(c) Malcolm's
(d) Billy Holliday's

2. With whom does Malcolm see Sophia and her sister in a bar?
(a) A friend of Sophia's husband
(b) A policeman
(c) Sophia's husband
(d) A Mafia boss

3. With which character does Malcolm commit burglaries?
(a) Shorty
(b) Archie
(c) Sammy
(d) Ella

4. Who does Sammy contact in this chapter?
(a) Ella
(b) Shorty
(c) Laura
(d) James

5. What does Malcolm manage to evade at the end of this chapter?
(a) His debtors
(b) The draft
(c) The police

6. Which musician does Malcolm see in this chapter?
(a) Billie Holliday
(b) Miles Davis
(c) James Brown
(d) Louis Armstrong

7. What does Malcolm pretend to be to get out of serving in the army?
(a) Crippled
(b) Crazy
(c) A simpleton
(d) A drug addict

8. How long does Malcolm spend looking around the city?
(a) Two weeks
(b) Three weeks
(c) A month
(d) Two months

9. Why are Malcolm's friends impressed with his dating Sophia?
(a) She is the daughter of a Klan member
(b) She is a beautiful white woman
(c) She is a celebrity
(d) She has money

10. What does Malcolm see in his sister for the first time?
(a) Beauty
(b) Happiness
(c) A rich person
(d) A proud black woman

11. What does Malcolm put together once he is in Boston?
(a) A religious group
(b) A small gang
(c) A drug ring
(d) A band

12. What does Malcolm start selling in this chapter?
(a) Heroin
(b) Cigarettes
(c) Marijuana
(d) Stolen clothes

13. What does Malcolm take to a jeweler to be repaired?
(a) A bracelet
(b) A wall clock
(c) A stolen watch
(d) A necklace

14. What does Malcolm say black men are trying to look like with their conk hairstyles?
(a) TV stars
(b) White men
(c) Gangsters
(d) Businessmen

15. Which member of the gang starts to make serious mistakes?
(a) Malcolm
(b) Rudy
(c) Shorty
(d) Sophia

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Malcolm sell to the customers on the train?

2. What does Malcolm have to use for a toilet in his cell?

3. What does Malcolm say Harlem has lost in this chapter?

4. Which character in this chapter wants to kill Malcolm?

5. What is the title of this chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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