The Making of the Atomic Bomb Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Making of the Atomic Bomb Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the dropping of the bombs, Leo Szilard leaves nuclear physics and goes into what field of study?
(a) Medicine.
(b) Chemistry.
(c) Biology.
(d) Experimental physics.

2. After Edward Teller becomes an American citizen and moves to Manhattan, his research involves what?
(a) The hydrogen bomb.
(b) Radar.
(c) The atomic bomb.
(d) A mass spectrometer.

3. Who is the first American scientist of administrative rank to visit Britain in 1941?
(a) James Conant.
(b) Kenneth Bainbridge.
(c) Lyman Briggs.
(d) Ernest Lawrence.

4. Who is Captain William S. Parsons?
(a) Designer of the plutonium gun.
(b) Commander of the Navy at Pearl Harbor.
(c) Mathematician.
(d) Test pilot.

5. Where is the home base for the Air Force group that is training for the delivery of the atomic bombs?
(a) California.
(b) Utah.
(c) Nevada.
(d) New Mexico.

6. When does the Oak Ridge pilot reactor reach critical mass?
(a) November 1943.
(b) January 1944.
(c) June 1943.
(d) January 1943.

7. Who says, "Welcome to Los Alamos, and who the devil are you?"
(a) Oppenheimer.
(b) Chadwick.
(c) Bohr.
(d) Groves.

8. Who creates the greatest school of theoretical physics in the United States at Berkeley, CA, in the late 1930's/early 1940's?
(a) Leo Sziland.
(b) Enrico Fermi.
(c) Albert Einstein.
(d) Robert Oppenheimer.

9. What is the NDRC?
(a) The Nordic Data Review Committee.
(b) The National Defense Review Committee.
(c) The National Defense Research Council.
(d) The Nuclear Department of Research and Concern.

10. What company provides contracted employees to operate the Oak Ridge facility?
(a) Boeing.
(b) Eastman Kodak.
(c) IBM.
(d) DuPont.

11. What is the primary target for the second atomic bomb?
(a) Tokyo.
(b) Nagasaki.
(c) Osaka.
(d) Kyushu.

12. Where does the crew who is training for delivering of the atomic bomb go for training with radar and flying over water?
(a) Marshall Islands.
(b) Cuba.
(c) Hawaii.
(d) Saipan.

13. Who is assigned to find the Trinity test site?
(a) Bainbridge.
(b) Szilard.
(c) Byrnes.
(d) Oppenheimer.

14. When does Enrico Fermi move to Los Alamos?
(a) February 1942.
(b) September 1944.
(c) January 1944.
(d) June 1943.

15. Who is Averell Harriman?
(a) A physicist.
(b) An Army General in the Pacific.
(c) U.S. Ambassador to Moscow.
(d) U.S. representative to the United Nations.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Alsos?

2. When does the U.S. learn that Klaus Fuchs is a Russian spy?

3. Who destroys the Norwegian heavy-water installation in February 1943?

4. Who drafts the historic directive releasing the atomic bomb for use?

5. In 1939, where is the only heavy water plant located?

(see the answer keys)

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