Major Pettigrew's Last Stand Test | Final Test - Easy

Helen Simonson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Major Pettigrew's Last Stand Test | Final Test - Easy

Helen Simonson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who owns the cricket field?
(a) Countess Digworth.
(b) Lord Dagenham.
(c) Lady Dagwood.
(d) Count Donblooth.

2. What are people protesting against on Ferguson's land?
(a) Wasting iron.
(b) Killing ducks.
(c) Hunting out of season.
(d) Building on wild land.

3. Why do the club ladies want Mrs. Ali to come to the dance?
(a) Major Pettigrew has requested her.
(b) They need to fill another table.
(c) She is making some of the food.
(d) She will go with the theme.

4. Where does Amina work?
(a) The Taj Mahal.
(b) Mrs. Ali's store.
(c) The church.
(d) The golf club.

5. Where does Major Pettigrew pick up Mrs. Ali for the dance?
(a) Apple Cottage.
(b) The shop.
(c) His garden.
(d) Grace's house.

6. What does Gertrude want to contact Roger about?
(a) A dance.
(b) A cottage.
(c) A contract.
(d) A play.

7. What ruined Roger's relationship?
(a) He lost some money.
(b) He proposed in a rude way.
(c) He cheated on Sandy.
(d) He stopped loving Sandy.

8. Who runs the shop when Mrs. Ali leaves?
(a) Abdul.
(b) Sandy.
(c) Grace.
(d) Amina.

9. Why does Grace refuse to marry Pettigrew?
(a) She knows he is in love with Mrs. Ali.
(b) He is not rich enough.
(c) He will die soon.
(d) She doesn't plan to marry.

10. What bothers Pettigrew about Ferguson?
(a) He disapproves of Pakistanis.
(b) He is selling his land.
(c) He does not shoot well.
(d) He is rude.

11. What does Pettigrew say annoys him most about men?
(a) Their inconsistency.
(b) Their ignorance.
(c) Their arrogance.
(d) Their hatred.

12. What does Roger wear to the dance?
(a) His grandfather's uniform.
(b) His father's suit.
(c) Indian robes.
(d) A new tuxedo.

13. What kind of illness does Pettigrew have after the dance?
(a) An infection.
(b) A heart palpitation.
(c) A fever.
(d) A cough.

14. What does Alice hide behind?
(a) A bush.
(b) A fence.
(c) A mail box.
(d) A sign post.

15. Where does Pettigrew end up spending Christmas?
(a) Apple Cottage.
(b) The Golf Club.
(c) Amina's shop.
(d) Rose Lodge.

Short Answer Questions

1. What controversial thing did Sandy do?

2. What does the secretary of the club want to talk to Pettigrew about?

3. What do the club ladies want the theme of the dance to be?

4. What causes Roger to threaten to call the police?

5. Why does Mrs. Ali leave?

(see the answer keys)

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