Main Street Test | Final Test - Easy

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Main Street Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Hugh's emotional state described?
(a) Eager and sensitive.
(b) Thoughtful and casual.
(c) Pretty but dumb.
(d) Cold and calculating.

2. During the war, Carol is a volunteer what?
(a) Community kitchen leader.
(b) Missionary.
(c) Nurse.
(d) Babysitter.

3. Following Hugh's birth, what is the biggest event for Carol?
(a) The demolition of the town hall.
(b) Vida's wedding.
(c) Carol's fortieth birthday.
(d) Dr. Kennicott's reluctance to have more children.

4. What does the in-crowd refer to newcomer Erik as?
(a) Error.
(b) Imogene.
(c) Elizabeth.
(d) Ethel.

5. What responsibility does Carol hold in her theater group?
(a) President and secretary.
(b) Director and president.
(c) Stage star.
(d) Producer.

6. Percy Bresnahan tells Carol they should have lunch where?
(a) In New York.
(b) In Boston.
(c) At his mother's.
(d) At his hotel.

7. What causes quarrels at the theater group's rehearsal?
(a) Flirtations.
(b) Poor performances.
(c) The passion of the play.
(d) A lack of commitment.

8. What type of good deal does Dr. Kennicott make that he will not explain to Carol?
(a) A land deal.
(b) A pharmaceutical monopoly.
(c) A partnership at his practice.
(d) He gets a great price on a car.

9. What do Bea and her son fall ill with?
(a) Smallpox.
(b) Pneumonia.
(c) Typhoid.
(d) TB.

10. Who is Carol excited to call after returning from vacation?
(a) Vida.
(b) Bea.
(c) Erik.
(d) No one.

11. Who sends Raymie to an officer's training camp?
(a) Carol.
(b) Vida.
(c) Dr. Kennicott.
(d) Raymie.

12. Carol determines that how many small towns are the same?
(a) 1/2.
(b) 1/4.
(c) 9/10.
(d) 1/8.

13. What does Dr. Kennicott wish Carol would borrow, not buy?
(a) Sugar.
(b) Books.
(c) Clothes.
(d) Flour.

14. What playwright does Carol want her theater group to perform?
(a) Shakespeare.
(b) Shaw.
(c) Carol Churchill.
(d) Sam Shephard.

15. What type of liquor is Fern accused of abusing?
(a) Vodka.
(b) Gin.
(c) Whisky.
(d) Rum.

Short Answer Questions

1. In June, what type of storm is common in Gopher Prairie?

2. Carol tells Vida she can only be happy with what out of Gopher Prairie?

3. What does Raymie do for a living?

4. What does Carol receive for Christmas at the beginning of Chapter 16?

5. What does Erik want to do for a living?

(see the answer keys)

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