Main Street Test | Final Test - Easy

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Main Street Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes quarrels at the theater group's rehearsal?
(a) A lack of commitment.
(b) Flirtations.
(c) Poor performances.
(d) The passion of the play.

2. What position does Percy Bresnahan hold at his company?
(a) Partner.
(b) Financial advisor.
(c) CEO.
(d) President.

3. What playwright does Carol want her theater group to perform?
(a) Shaw.
(b) Shakespeare.
(c) Carol Churchill.
(d) Sam Shephard.

4. What does Raymie do for a living?
(a) Dentistry.
(b) Business.
(c) Farming.
(d) Teaching.

5. What is the first play Guy Pollock suggests the theater group should perform?
(a) Dogs and Catfights.
(b) Romeo and Juliet.
(c) School for Scandal.
(d) Inherit the Wind.

6. In Chapter 16, what is Carol's personal mantra?
(a) The best will win.
(b) Forget them all.
(c) Money can buy happiness.
(d) I must go on.

7. What do Erik and Carol have in common?
(a) A love for books.
(b) A love for sports.
(c) The same birthday.
(d) The same middle name.

8. How is Mrs. Swiftwaite described?
(a) A "tramp that won't quit."
(b) An "awful peroxide blond."
(c) A "homewrecker."
(d) A "very beautiful outsider."

9. In Chapter 16, who flirts with Bea?
(a) Cy.
(b) The Red Swede.
(c) Guy Pollock.
(d) Dr. Kennicott.

10. How does Carol feel about Percy Bresnahan?
(a) All answer are correct.
(b) She is afraid of him.
(c) She is jealous of him.
(d) She admires him.

11. What does Carol receive for Christmas at the beginning of Chapter 16?
(a) A sapphire bracelet.
(b) A ruby pendant.
(c) A diamond bar-pin.
(d) A pearl necklace.

12. Who is Carol excited to call after returning from vacation?
(a) No one.
(b) Erik.
(c) Vida.
(d) Bea.

13. What type of review does the theater group's play receive in the paper?
(a) Well-deserved praise.
(b) An embarrassing review.
(c) A dishonest, glowing review.
(d) A lukewarm review.

14. What do Bea and her son fall ill with?
(a) Smallpox.
(b) Pneumonia.
(c) Typhoid.
(d) TB.

15. What ceremony does Carol resist imposing on her son?
(a) Baptism.
(b) School admission.
(c) Introduction into society.
(d) Circumcision.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dr. Kennicott plan to do but never does?

2. Why does the shopkeeper want to sell Carol something better?

3. Who moves into Carol's home?

4. Who sends Raymie to an officer's training camp?

5. What movie does Carol criticize to Dr. Kennicott?

(see the answer keys)

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