Magyk Test | Final Test - Medium

Angie Sage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Magyk Test | Final Test - Medium

Angie Sage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Marcia decide to return to the Castle?
(a) She is returning using the Midnight Minutes.
(b) She decides to send a duplicate of herself to be safe.
(c) She asks Stanley to take her as he had Silas.
(d) She asks Boy 412 to take her.

2. Where does Zelda tell the children to hide?
(a) In the chicken coop.
(b) Up in the attic bedrooms.
(c) Out in the marsh.
(d) Through the potions cupboard and into the cave.

3. What does closer inspection of the boat reveal?
(a) That it is not seaworthy.
(b) That it is magically propelled.
(c) It is made of magic materials.
(d) That it once was alive and turned into a boat.

4. What does Boy 412 give Marcia before she is taken away?
(a) The ring he thinks is magical.
(b) A book of spells.
(c) A key for the lock.
(d) A Shield Bug.

5. What do they decide to do with the Hunter to keep him from pursuing them further?
(a) They decide to erase his memory.
(b) They shoot him.
(c) They send him to a far-off land.
(d) They use a spell on him that makes him fearful of everyone.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gringe tell Silas he is late for?

2. Where does Marcia get taken after the guards grab her outside the Castle?

3. How many witches are there at the MidWinter feast?

4. Who is Hotep-Ra?

5. Who did Jenna's Shield Bug take a disliking to after it floated into port?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Marcia unable to return to the Keeper's Cottage that night?

2. What happens to the Shield Bugs that Jenna, Boy 412 and Nicko release against the Hunter?

3. What is served for Boy 412's apprentice supper?

4. What is the first and most important thing Boy 412 remembers from his days in the Young Army, and how does it help him now?

5. How does Aunt Zelda manage to heal DomDaniel's apprentice?

6. What do Jenna, Nicko, and Boy 412 find when they wake the next morning and chase the hunter's apprentice, hoping to catch up with him before he can tell anyone where the Keeper's Cottage is?

7. How does Boy 412 feel when the hunter's apprentice is brought in, and why?

8. What happens when Jenna touches the circle on the wall with the dragon inside it?

9. What does DomDaniel do when he senses the presence of Jenna and Boy 412?

10. What kinds of preparations are done before the Big Freeze?

(see the answer keys)

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