The Magus Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Magus Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Nicholas feel when he wakes up?
(a) Disturbed.
(b) Petty.
(c) Angry.
(d) Triumphant.

2. What truth does Nicholas believe the experience was meant to teach him about how to live?
(a) He must change his think about women.
(b) He must live without sex.
(c) He must move out of the country.
(d) He must live with compassion.

3. Why does Julie run off away from Nicholas?
(a) She needs to go find her sister.
(b) She needs to go get Joe.
(c) She has heard Conchis return.
(d) She needs to get the next page of her script.

4. What gift does Mrs. de Seitas give to Nicholas?
(a) The keys to the villa.
(b) A letter of recommendation.
(c) A piece of pottery.
(d) A picture of Lily.

5. What does the man who played Anton tell Nicholas will happen?
(a) He is to be killed.
(b) He will be forced to participate in the next masque.
(c) He will be taken before a court and judged.
(d) He will soon be released.

6. What does Nicholas become depressed and obsessive about?
(a) Finding Alison.
(b) Searching for Conchis.
(c) Plotting his revenge.
(d) Talking to Leverrier.

7. Where is Nicholas surprised to be placed after he is bound and gagged?
(a) The captain's chair.
(b) The prosecutor's chair.
(c) The judge's chair.
(d) The defender's chair.

8. What happens as Nicholas is leaving where June and Julie stayed during the masque?
(a) Julie is violently grabbed.
(b) A group of soldiers takes them both away.
(c) June kills Julie.
(d) Conchis locks Nicholas in with Julie.

9. What does Mrs. de Seitas say of Alison?
(a) She has been won over.
(b) She is actually dead.
(c) She will never be found.
(d) She has been browbeaten.

10. What does Alison do after Nicholas slaps her?
(a) Smiles.
(b) Runs away.
(c) Laughs.
(d) Cries.

11. How does Alison react to Nicholas' plan?
(a) She is reserved.
(b) She is doubtful.
(c) She is surprised.
(d) She is excited.

12. Who does June claim has been following her?
(a) Joe.
(b) Julie.
(c) Conchis.
(d) Alison.

13. How is Conchis dressed when he meets Nicholas for breakfast?
(a) In WWII clothing.
(b) As a businessman.
(c) As a woman.
(d) In traditional Greek clothing.

14. What information does Nicholas learn about Mrs. de Seitas from the bartender?
(a) She has suffered from a head injury.
(b) She has twin daughters.
(c) She often travels to Greece.
(d) She lives with a man who resembles Conchis.

15. How does Lily react to Nicholas' attempt to kiss her?
(a) She backs away.
(b) She kisses him back.
(c) She begins to cry.
(d) She slaps his face.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Julie tell Nicholas she has been?

2. Why does Julie run away from Nicholas?

3. What does June want Nicholas to coax Julie to do?

4. What does Nicholas find waiting for him when he gets back to school?

5. Where does Nicholas say he has already seen Anton?

(see the answer keys)

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