The Magus Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Magus Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following terms best describes how the bedroom Nicholas is using is furnished?
(a) Densely.
(b) Compactly.
(c) Sparsely.
(d) Reservedly.

2. What has changed in Nicholas' room?
(a) New reading material.
(b) New art work.
(c) New bed.
(d) New clothing.

3. How does Mitford describe life on the island to Nicholas?
(a) Regimented.
(b) Ever-changing.
(c) Dull.
(d) Surprising.

4. What does Conchis tell Nicholas he will be conducting the following evening?
(a) Experiment.
(b) Poetry reading.
(c) Musical performance.
(d) Art show.

5. What does Nicholas tell the gatekeeper when he returns his gun?
(a) It did not have any ammunition.
(b) He found the gun.
(c) It missed its target.
(d) He took the gun by mistake.

6. What surprises Nicholas when he returns to Conchis' home?
(a) That Conchis is not home.
(b) That the door is answered by a new woman.
(c) That Conchis has had contact with Alison.
(d) That there is no acknowledgement at having seen the mysterious woman.

7. How does Nicholas fill his time after he is cured from his disease?
(a) Going out to brothels.
(b) Visiting bars.
(c) Writing poetry.
(d) Studying for teaching exams.

8. At the end of this section, where is Nicholas headed?
(a) To see Conchis.
(b) To see Alison.
(c) To see Lily.
(d) To see Mitford.

9. What would happen if Nicholas lost the game of chance Conchis proposed?
(a) He would have to leave the villa.
(b) He would die.
(c) He would have to tell Conchis his secrets.
(d) He would be expelled from the island.

10. When did Conchis experience the joys of simple sensation?
(a) When he posed as a corpse.
(b) When he returned safely from the battles.
(c) When he watched his friends die.
(d) When he was wounded in battle.

11. Where does Nicholas go after lunch?
(a) School.
(b) Garden.
(c) Music room.
(d) Beach.

12. What does the woman who Nicholas believes to be Lily do when he approaches?
(a) Talks to him.
(b) Waits.
(c) Reaches out to him.
(d) Withdraws.

13. What was Nicholas reluctant to speak or think about?
(a) His Students.
(b) Alison.
(c) Teaching.
(d) Conchis.

14. What does Nicholas do after breakfast?
(a) Tries to engage Maria in conversation.
(b) Goes to the beach to swim.
(c) Waits for Conchis in the garden.
(d) Searches for what made the sounds he heard.

15. What does Conchis ask Nicholas to believe in?
(a) What he has read and seen.
(b) What Conchis tells him.
(c) What he experiences.
(d) What the women tells him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following characters was Nicholas' predecessor at the school?

2. Which of the following does Conchis say about the odds of survival?

3. What does Nicholas do instead of visiting the villa?

4. Which of the following best describes how Nicholas views himself as a poet?

5. What does Mitford tell Nicholas to be wary of?

(see the answer keys)

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