Magpie Murders Test | Final Test - Easy

Anthony Horowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Magpie Murders Test | Final Test - Easy

Anthony Horowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 21 of Leigh's novel, who screamed that they wanted Short dead?
(a) Nancy Anderson.
(b) Anna Riley.
(c) Lila Blaire.
(d) Mae Phillips.

2. In "Crouch End, London," who does Susan think left the handprint in the flower bed?
(a) Matthew Blakiston.
(b) Sir Magnus.
(c) Neville Brent.
(d) Robin Osborne.

3. In "A Secret Never to be Told," what does Robert say was the purpose of the locked room at the Manor House?
(a) His brother's room.
(b) A guest room.
(c) Sewing room.
(d) A storage room.

4. In "A Secret Never to be Told," when Pund walks around the village, how long is it until his appointment at the Bath police station?
(a) About 2 hours.
(b) 45 minutes.
(c) 90 minutes.
(d) An hour.

5. What is the name of the main character in "Extract from the Slide"?
(a) Lord David Jump.
(b) Lord Philip Stitch.
(c) Lord Quentin Slump.
(d) Lord Robert Twitch.

6. In "Woodbridge," what does Kate serve Susan to eat?
(a) Biscuits.
(b) Cucumber sandwiches.
(c) Cake.
(d) Cookies.

7. In "Crouch End," what does Andreas cook for dinner?
(a) Turkey.
(b) Lamb.
(c) Chicken.
(d) Beef.

8. In "Cloverleaf Books," what does Susan say that Charles plays?
(a) Guitar.
(b) Violin.
(c) Cello.
(d) Drums.

9. In "Wesley & Khan, Framlingham," what did Sajid Khan and Alan Conway like to do together?
(a) Go swimming.
(b) Play cricket.
(c) Go hiking.
(d) Play tennis.

10. In "Detective Work," how many people does Susan say are more likely to have killed Conway than John White?
(a) 5.
(b) 6.
(c) 3.
(d) 4.

11. In "A Secret Never to be Told," who killed Mary Blakiston?
(a) No one.
(b) Brent.
(c) Robert.
(d) Sir Magnus.

12. In "After the Funeral," what was the age range of the boys that attended Chorley Hall, where Conway went to school?
(a) 7 to 16.
(b) 6 to 15.
(c) 8 to 13.
(d) 5 to 17.

13. In "After the Funeral," how many boys went to the boarding school that Conway attended?
(a) 175.
(b) 145.
(c) 150.
(d) 160.

14. In "Cloverleaf Books," what is the name of the manuscript that Donald Leigh sends Susan?
(a) Death Treads the Boards.
(b) Death at the Theater.
(c) Murder in the Night.
(d) Night Comes Calling.

15. In "After the Funeral," how old does Claire say that she was when her father died?
(a) 22.
(b) 31.
(c) 28.
(d) 34.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Cloverleaf Books," what does Charles say his grandson has been named?

2. In "The Atticus Adventures," when did a TV and film producer leave Framlingham after having lunch with Conway?

3. Where does Charles kick Susan in "Endgame"?

4. In "The Atticus Adventures," who is the TV and film producer who wants to produce the Atticus books?

5. When was Conway's first Atticus Pund novel published?

(see the answer keys)

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