The Magician's Nephew Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Magician's Nephew Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to the Cabby's voice as he speaks with Aslan?
(a) It becomes deeper and more musical.
(b) It becomes slower and richer as he loses his Cockney accent.
(c) His Cockney accent becomes more pronounced.
(d) It becomes quicker and sharper.

2. How many policemen does Jadis knock out using the bar from the lamp-post?
(a) Three
(b) Two
(c) Five
(d) One

3. Why do the animals chase Uncle Andrew?
(a) They are teasing him because they think he is funny.
(b) They want to take him to Aslan.
(c) They are curious as to what he is.
(d) They are hungry and want to eat him.

4. Which animals look like trees when they first appear?
(a) The stags
(b) The birds
(c) The elephants
(d) The moles

5. What finally convinced all the animals that Uncle Andrew was not a tree?
(a) Aslan told them he was a human.
(b) He began to talk to them once he revived.
(c) He began to scream and howl.
(d) Frank and Helen told them he was human.

6. What effect has the stolen apple had on the Witch?
(a) The apple is slowly poisoning her and will eventually kill her.
(b) Nothing has happened, because she stole the apple.
(c) She has eternal youth and strength like a goddess.
(d) She has become the most beautiful and wise being in all worlds.

7. What is the first event the travelers notice in the darkness?
(a) A line of white light appears on the horizon.
(b) Hundreds of stars suddenlly appear.
(c) A song begins.
(d) A golden lion appears in front of them.

8. What does the Rabbit think that the humans are?
(a) A type of tree.
(b) A type of large lettuce.
(c) A type of multicolored bird.
(d) A strange sort of animal.

9. What is the name of Uncle Andrew's cousin who was in the Yeomanry?
(a) Edmund
(b) Edward
(c) Eustace
(d) Edwin

10. What is the first thing that the Witch tempts Digory to do?
(a) Eat the apple and live forever
(b) Give her the apple
(c) Throw the apple away
(d) Take the apple home for his mother

11. What gems are used to set the crowns?
(a) Emeralds in King Frank's and rubies in Queen Helen's
(b) Diamonds in King Frank's and sapphires in Queen Helen's
(c) Amethysts in King Frank's and diamonds in Queen Helen's
(d) Rubies in King Frank's and emeralds in Queen Helen's

12. What begins to grow on the higher slopes of the distant mountains?
(a) Fir trees
(b) Grass
(c) Heather
(d) Primroses

13. Had the Cabby ever fought before?
(a) No - he is a pacifist.
(b) Yes, but only with his fists.
(c) No - he is a bit of a soft person.
(d) Yes - he rode Strawberry's father in cavalry charges.

14. What does the Lion ask Digory to fetch and why?
(a) He has to fetch seed, which will be used to plant a tree that will protect Narnia.
(b) He must fetch an apple, which will be used to plant a tree that will protect Narnia.
(c) He has to fetch a pomegranate, which the Lion will use to make a healing charm.
(d) He has to fetch an apple, which will be used to cure his mother.

15. Which of the following does the writing on the gate not warn against?
(a) Stealing the fruit
(b) Closing the gates
(c) Climbing the wall
(d) Taking the fruit for yourself

Short Answer Questions

1. How far away is the Lion from Digory and the others?

2. What color are Strawberry's new wings?

3. Which of the following does Digory not see in the landscape when he looks west?

4. Where do the children shelter for the night?

5. What does Aslan do to Uncle Andrew?

(see the answer keys)

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