The Magician's Nephew Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Magician's Nephew Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following did not happen to the guinea pigs that Uncle Andrew used for his experiments?
(a) They vanished
(b) They died
(c) They learned to speak
(d) They exploded

2. What is Aunt Letty doing when Uncle Andrew finds her?
(a) She is entertaining visitors.
(b) She is doing embroidery.
(c) She is drinking tea.
(d) She is mending a matress.

3. What color of light does Digory notice overhead first after putting on the yellow ring?
(a) White
(b) Yellow
(c) Purple
(d) Green

4. What is Uncle Andrew's characteristic gesture or habit while speaking?
(a) Rubbing his hands and making his knuckles crack
(b) Stroking his chin
(c) Running his hands through his rumpled gray hair
(d) Drumming his fingers on the tabletop

5. What is most striking about the last queen, apart from her beauty?
(a) Her cruel expression
(b) Her height and strength
(c) Her unbelievably long hair
(d) Her fierceness and pride

6. What color is the Queen's skin?
(a) Tanned
(b) White
(c) Black
(d) Olive

7. What expressions are seen on the faces at the beginning of the row of images?
(a) Solemn and dignified
(b) Kind and wise
(c) Proud and cruel
(d) Wise and cruel

8. What sort of ring takes you into the Wood between the Worlds?
(a) Either of the rings - it doesn't matter which
(b) A green ring on your right hand and a yellow ring on your left
(c) A yellow ring
(d) A green ring

9. What made Uncle Andrew's hair turn gray?
(a) A period of ill health
(b) Unpleasant experiences while learning magic
(c) Old age
(d) Touching the magical dust

10. What would Polly call Aunt Letty?
(a) Miss Ketterley
(b) Mrs Ketterley
(c) Miss Letitia
(d) Miss Letty

11. How many nobles did the Queen's great-grandfather kill in the banqueting hall?
(a) Seven
(b) One hundred
(c) Seven hundred
(d) Seventy

12. What feature of London do the children see while traveling back using the green rings?
(a) The Tower of London
(b) St Paul's Cathedral
(c) Big Ben
(d) Buckingham Palace

13. How many policemen are riding in the second hansom cab?
(a) Five
(b) Three
(c) One
(d) Two

14. How is Digory able to read the writing on the pillar?
(a) Magic enables him to understand it.
(b) It is written in English.
(c) The shape of the writing changes so he can read it.
(d) A voice from the pillar recites the verse.

15. What color is the waistcoat that Uncle Andrew puts on in an attempt to impress the Witch?
(a) White
(b) Gold
(c) Scarlet
(d) Black

Short Answer Questions

1. What color of stone has been used to build the old palace in which they find themselves?

2. What is Digory afraid of now that the Witch/Queen is in London and in his house?

3. How does Jadis get dragged from her world to the Wood?

4. How does Jadis get dragged from the Wood into our world?

5. Which of the following does Jadis not suggest as a means of transport?

(see the answer keys)

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