Magician, Master Test | Final Test - Easy

Raymond E. Feist
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Magician, Master Test | Final Test - Easy

Raymond E. Feist
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What wakes Thomas as he sleeps with the queen?
(a) A mosquito buzzing him.
(b) He feels something.
(c) Sounds of battle.
(d) Ashen-Shugar talking in his head.

2. Why does Lyam send a message to his brother and sister?
(a) To tell them he's getting married.
(b) To tell them about Martin.
(c) To tell them their father is dead.
(d) To tell them to come to Crydee.

3. What does Arutha worry about in relation to Martin?
(a) He doesn't have a wife.
(b) He could cause a civil war.
(c) He doesn't know politics.
(d) He was not raised in the proper circles.

4. What does Pug tell Kulgan about the rift?
(a) He wants to keep it open.
(b) It was made by him.
(c) He closed it when he came through it.
(d) He wants to destroy it.

5. What does the council tell Queen Aglranna about Thomas?
(a) Something has to be done with him.
(b) He has gotten worse.
(c) He must be banished from elf lands.
(d) He has gotten better.

6. What has Milamber decided about the Tsurani culture?
(a) It is very similar to his culture.
(b) It is very beautiful.
(c) It is brutal.
(d) It is stale and unhealthy.

7. Why is Arutha angry with Lyam?
(a) For being with their father when he died.
(b) For wanting Martin to be king.
(c) For wanting Arutha to step aside.
(d) For revealing the Duke's secret before coronation.

8. What message does Duke Caldric want Laurie and Kasumi to carry?
(a) That the Tsurani have taken Krondor.
(b) That Prince Erland in Krondor is dead.
(c) That the Krondorian army has been slaughtered.
(d) That Anita is on her way to Arutha.

9. What does the Warlord want of the Great Ones?
(a) That some of them would open a gate to another world.
(b) That Milamber be put to death.
(c) That more assist with the war.
(d) That less of them interfere.

10. To whom does Macros leave his library?
(a) Lyam.
(b) To the university at Krondor.
(c) Pug and Kulgan.
(d) To the elves.

11. What is one of the first tasks Milamber does in Chapter 8?
(a) Kills the person who enslaved him.
(b) Takes a teaching position in the Assembly.
(c) Builds a house.
(d) Returns to his world.

12. Why has Duke Borric set aside money for Pug?
(a) For his services through the years.
(b) To build a house in Crydee.
(c) For his son's education.
(d) To start a magician school.

13. What do Macros, Pug and Kulgan do during the peace talks?
(a) Nothing, they aren't there.
(b) Attack the Tsurani.
(c) Close the rift.
(d) Stay in the background.

14. What reason does Hochopepa give for the Shinzawai to be missing?
(a) They are busy in Midkemia.
(b) They haven't finished their harvest.
(c) They have lost face with the Warlord.
(d) The Emperor is mad at them.

15. What does Thomas tell the council?
(a) He doesn't want to be ruler.
(b) He doesn't want to stay with the elves.
(c) He is going back to the humans.
(d) He wants to be king.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who shows up when Martin is looking at the Tsurani prisoners?

2. Who do Pug and the others find at Marco's island?

3. What does Brucal tell Lyam?

4. What has Milamber not decided yet?

5. What do Kasumi and Pug tell Lyam?

(see the answer keys)

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