Magic Hour: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Kristin Hannah
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Magic Hour: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Kristin Hannah
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What instruction had Julia been giving to Alice when Alice had taken some action against Julia?
(a) She had been asking Alice to use her words.
(b) She had been saying it was bedtime.
(c) She had been ignoring Alice.
(d) She had been telling Alice to eat her vegetables.

2. Which character does Julia tell first after she decides to try to adopt Alice?
(a) Cal.
(b) Earl.
(c) Ellie.
(d) Max.

3. At the end of the Chapter 12, Julia tells Alice that what element "is everything" (171)?
(a) Friendship.
(b) Identity.
(c) Trust.
(d) Hope.

4. When Julia goes to find Ellie and finds her on the porch, in which character's favorite chair is Ellie sitting?
(a) Their father's.
(b) Their mother's.
(c) Julia's.
(d) Cal's.

5. Who is Danny?
(a) Max's late son.
(b) Max's late nephew.
(c) Cal's son.
(d) Peanut's son.

6. What object terrifies Alice so severely that Julia must remove it from Alice's sight immediately?
(a) A bottle opener.
(b) A dreamcatcher.
(c) A Slinky.
(d) A pair of tongs.

7. What feeling does Julia take away from her conversation with Ellie near the end of Chapter 15?
(a) Confidence.
(b) Jealousy.
(c) Rage.
(d) Resentment.

8. Ellie tells Julia that which organization believes that "permanent foster care proceedings" (232) should begin for Alice soon?
(a) The CIA.
(b) The NCIC.
(c) The FBI.
(d) DSHS.

9. What word does the narrator use in Chapter 19 to describe the changes in Julia?
(a) Surprising.
(b) Marked.
(c) Miraculous.
(d) Surreal.

10. What kind of reading material does Ellie peruse over and over in Chapter 13?
(a) Missing children reports.
(b) Fashion magazines.
(c) Tax forms.
(d) Overdue bills.

11. What item does Julia name as being "integral to developing a sense of self" (243)?
(a) A friend.
(b) A toy.
(c) A pet.
(d) A name.

12. Whose house does Julia take Alice to visit first as they make their Christmastime visits?
(a) Max's.
(b) Earl and Myra's.
(c) Peanut's.
(d) Cal's.

13. What verbal reaction does Alice have when she sees the one particular object that terrifies her completely?
(a) She screams.
(b) She howls.
(c) She laughs.
(d) She moans.

14. In Chapter 21, it is nearing the end of what month?
(a) September.
(b) January.
(c) May.
(d) March.

15. Around what topic do Ellie and Julia finally find common ground in Chapter 12?
(a) Financial woes.
(b) Past heartbreak.
(c) Political ambivalence.
(d) An existential yen for truth.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Ellie tells Julia that everything will be okay, Julia makes a reference to which character?

2. To what location does Julia throw the object that terrifies Alice in Chapter 12?

3. What mental phrase does Alice use to describe speech?

4. Julia is amazed that in under two weeks, Alice learns to count up to what number?

5. To what location does Julia go after she and Ellie are done with their conversation in Chapter 14?

(see the answer keys)

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