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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What injury did Hazel suffer in her struggle with Diane in the bathroom in Chapter 9?
2. How old is Hazel when she and Byron first meet?
3. What does Hazel immediately like about the bar she visits after her dad asks her to leave?
4. What is Byron doing when Hazel returns from the bathroom the first times he goes to The Hub?
5. What was Hazel's mother doing when Hazel went to visit her parents just before her mother died?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does the moment Jasper saves the Dolphin end up on television?
2. Why is Hazel upset when her father tells her he needs to rent out the back porch? How could she have helped him if he told her a few days earlier that he needed money?
3. Who is Byron? What is his occupation?
4. Describe Jasper's interaction with Calla, the escort.
5. Who does Hazel's father call to help her with her dislocated shoulder? How does he tell her to behave?
6. How does Byron know Hazel was in the tub with Diane when they speak on the phone at the start of Chapter 10?
7. How did Reginald's story inspire Hazel's father to get Diane?
8. Describe Hazel's first date with Byron. What did she wear? Who picked her up?
9. Where does Byron first meet Hazel? Why is he there? What are the circumstances of their first conversation?
10. Why does Hazel come to her father's home at the start of the story?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Choose two characters and discuss their similarities and differences.
Essay Topic 2
Choose a character and discuss their role in creating conflict in the story.
Essay Topic 3
Even though this novel has many characters, who would you say is/are the protagonist/s of the story? Compare their role in the novel to definitions of protagonists.
This section contains 773 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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