Made For Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nutting, Alissa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Made For Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nutting, Alissa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hazel wonder about when she sees Diane's crate in her father's living room?
(a) She wonders if she could use it as her own coffin.
(b) She wonders if it would make a good coffee table.
(c) She wonders if she could sleep in it.
(d) She wonders if she could use it for firewood.

2. What happened to Hazel just before her wedding, which impacted her choice of dress?
(a) She broke out in hives.
(b) She lost a bunch of weight.
(c) She got a bad sun burn.
(d) She gained a bunch of weight.

3. What stolen object does Hazel bring to her father's as she drunkenly walks to his place?
(a) A car.
(b) A plant.
(c) A mailbox.
(d) A plastic flamingo.

4. Why does Hazel say she is unable to take any money from Byron?
(a) She does not know where he is.
(b) She would feel like a failure.
(c) He has no money.
(d) Money is a way to track her.

5. What does Byron tell Hazel when she accuses him of putting a camera in her father's house?
(a) Her mind is the camera.
(b) Her father knows about the cameras.
(c) Diane is the camera.
(d) Camera drones follow her everywhere.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hazel's father say she should do if Byron was cheating on her?

2. What does Hazel's father say is a "goddamn miracle" (13) at the end of Chapter 1?

3. Who did Hazel dream of when she was passed out in the bathroom with Diane?

4. Why does Hazel ask the bartender if she can drink from the dirty empty glass next to her?

5. Which of Byron's associates does Hazel meet the first time she goes to The Hub?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Reginald's story inspire Hazel's father to get Diane?

2. What incident ultimately led Hazel to leave Byron's and go to her father?

3. What does Byron leave for Hazel in her father's backyard? What special date does she need to access it?

4. Describe Jasper's interaction with Calla, the escort.

5. What happened the day Hazel tried on dresses for her wedding? Who was she with?

6. How did Byron produce the commencent speech at Hazel's college? Who read the speech?

7. Where does Byron first meet Hazel? Why is he there? What are the circumstances of their first conversation?

8. Why did Hazel's father sell his car? What did he feel he could live without it?

9. What does Hazel know in the present that she did not know when she signed the pre-nup with Byron that seemed to her like a good deal?

10. Why is Hazel upset when her father tells her he needs to rent out the back porch? How could she have helped him if he told her a few days earlier that he needed money?

(see the answer keys)

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