Made For Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nutting, Alissa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Made For Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Nutting, Alissa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Hazel's father suggest she go so he can have some time alone with Diane?
(a) The library.
(b) The grocery store.
(c) A bar.
(d) A pizza place.

2. Where is Liver's home?
(a) On the top floor of a large apartment complex.
(b) A room in a homeless shelter.
(c) In the middle of the woods.
(d) Behind The Spotted Rose.

3. Why did Hazel's father keep her marriage to Byron secret from his neighbors?
(a) Most of them thought Byron was evil.
(b) They would think Hazel sold herself out for money.
(c) He was afraid they would ask for money or favors.
(d) They would wonder why he was living in such a dump if his daughter was so wealthy.

4. Why did Hazel's father sell his car?
(a) To pay for his sex doll.
(b) To pay for his scooter.
(c) To buy groceries.
(d) To pay the rent.

5. When they first meet, why does Byron's attention make Hazel feel special?
(a) Her parents never showed much interest in her.
(b) She had been an admirer of his for a long time.
(c) She could brag about it to Jenny who men typically preferred to Hazel.
(d) She had never had a boyfriend.

6. What does Jasper do to alter his appearance in Chapter 8?
(a) Wear a mask.
(b) Cut his hair.
(c) Get glasses.
(d) Shave his beard and mustache.

7. What pills does Hazel take from her father's medicine cabinet before falling asleep in the bathroom in Chapter 9?
(a) Tylenol PM.
(b) Percocet.
(c) Ambien.
(d) OxyContin.

8. What does Liver ask Hazel when she asks if she can sit near him at the bar?
(a) If she is in the midst of a personal crisis.
(b) What a girl like her is doing in a place like this.
(c) If she has a death wish.
(d) Why it took so long to ask.

9. Why did Byron go to Hazel's college the year they met?
(a) He was a visiting lecturer.
(b) He was a transfer student.
(c) To make the commencement speech.
(d) He was hired to update the campus surveillance system.

10. How long did Fiffany's marriage last?
(a) 3 days.
(b) 2 weeks.
(c) 6 months.
(d) 2 years.

11. What does Hazel's father say she should do if Byron was cheating on her?
(a) Look the other way.
(b) Alert the media.
(c) Leave him.
(d) Cheat on him.

12. What was needed to gain access to many of the rooms in The Hub?
(a) A key.
(b) A fingerprint.
(c) A secret password.
(d) Money.

13. What is Liver's occupation?
(a) Grave sitter.
(b) Grave digger.
(c) Grave robber.
(d) Grave engraver.

14. What was Hazel doing one of the only times Byron was not starting at a screen?
(a) Telling him she was leaving him.
(b) Telling him about her family.
(c) Walking down the isle.
(d) Signing a prenup.

15. Why does Hazel not want to see a doctor despite Byron urging her to after her nosebleed?
(a) She is afraid of doctors.
(b) She does not think a nosebleed in a big deal.
(c) She does not have health insurance.
(d) She worries they might put a chip in her brain.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the code to the safe Byron has left for Hazel in her father's backyard?

2. Why does Hazel's say he needs money in Chapter 10?

3. What does Hazel's father tell her about former neighbors Reginald and Shelley?

4. What is Hazel's first concern after waking up in the bathroom with Diane in Chapter 9?

5. What job had Hazel just quit when she was asked to interview Byron for her friend Jenny?

(see the answer keys)

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