Made For Love Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Nutting, Alissa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Made For Love Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Nutting, Alissa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 9 & 10 .

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Byron know Hazel got a nosebleed in the shower the morning she left The Hub for her father's?
(a) His housekeeper told him.
(b) The SmartFiler alerted him.
(c) Hazel called him right away.
(d) He saw it on the surveillance video.

2. What term did Hazel often hear Byron use during their marriage?
(a) Universal Superiority.
(b) Global Domination.
(c) Cosmic Control.
(d) Worldwide Sovereignty.

3. How do Byron's handlers know Hazel Green is not Jenny Roberts as she claimed to be?
(a) Jenny told them Hazel would be coming in her place.
(b) They fingerprinted her before the interview.
(c) Their facial recognition software told them who she really was.
(d) They had scanners which read everything in her wallet.

4. What does Byron know about Hazel during their interview despite her having never told anyone?
(a) She was flunking college.
(b) She was adopted.
(c) Her mother is dying.
(d) She quit her waitressing job.

5. What is the name of Byron's company?
(a) Bogol.
(b) Global.
(c) Gogol.
(d) Facebook.

Short Answer Questions

1. What year does Chapter 3 begin, also the same year Hazel and Byron meet?

2. How long does Hazel think she will need to stay with her father?

3. What does Hazel tell her father Byron wanted to do to her in Chapter 2?

4. What does Hazel's father say is a "goddamn miracle" (13) at the end of Chapter 1?

5. What words are written in Sharpie on the pants Hazel wears at her father's?

(see the answer key)

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