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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 11 & 12.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Hazel's father ask about Liver after he leaves his house the first time they meet?
(a) If she is courting him.
(b) If he is stalking her.
(c) If he is a fugitive.
(d) If he works for Byron.
2. Why did Elizabeth give Jasper $38,000?
(a) For medical school.
(b) For attorney fees.
(c) For a new car.
(d) For a down payment on a house.
3. What is the name of the escort Jasper calls at the end of Chapter 8?
(a) Ella.
(b) Calla.
(c) Fiffany.
(d) Isla.
4. What does Liver tell Hazel about his parents?
(a) He visits them weekly.
(b) He does not know or care if they are alive.
(c) They died when he was very young.
(d) They were both criminals.
5. What does Hazel tell her father Byron wanted to do to her in Chapter 2?
(a) Put a microchip in her brain.
(b) Keep her from ever leaving The Hub.
(c) Turn her into a robot.
(d) Divorce her.
Short Answer Questions
1. What falls out of Hazel's bra after her father cuts the back of her shirt to free her from Diane?
2. Where does Hazel wake up at the start of Chapter 11?
3. What disease does Byron tell Hazel her father has?
4. Why does Hazel say she is unable to take any money from Byron?
5. What are the Dolphin Savior's fans called?
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