Madame Curie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Madame Curie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the celebrity status ruin for Marie causing her to become depressed?
(a) Her nerves.
(b) Her trust.
(c) Her children.
(d) Her marriage.

2. What arouses Marie's competitive spirit?
(a) Writing.
(b) Swimming.
(c) Sailing.
(d) Music.

3. What does Marie do with the clothes Pierre was wearing when he was killed?
(a) She cuts them into pieces for a quilt.
(b) She cuts them up and throws them in the fire.
(c) She gives them to Bronya to get rid of.
(d) She cleans them meticuously.

4. What ultimately kills Pierre?
(a) Front wagon wheel.
(b) Back wagon wheel.
(c) Curb.
(d) Horse hoof.

5. What does Marie refuse?
(a) Nobel Prize.
(b) French Legion of Honor.
(c) Warsaw Prize.
(d) Home in Sceaux.

6. What obscured Pierre's vision?
(a) A wagon.
(b) A horse.
(c) A crowd.
(d) A closed cab.

7. What does Marie maintain despite the fact that she is growing weak and aging?
(a) Sadness.
(b) Weariness.
(c) Inhuman pace.
(d) Curiousity.

8. Why is Marie able to find friends in the peasants of the village?
(a) She goes out of her way to help them.
(b) They recognize her as one of their own.
(c) They see her for herself.
(d) She has earned their respect.

9. Where does Marie turn to find some emotional strength and support?
(a) Her colleagues.
(b) Her father-in-law.
(c) Her children.
(d) Her work.

10. Continuing the research themselves in their shed causes what to happen to Marie?
(a) She loses her position.
(b) Her health deteriorates.
(c) Her family abandons her.
(d) She is unable to care for Irene.

11. In what year does Marie make her last trip to Poland?
(a) 1922.
(b) 1932.
(c) 1925.
(d) 1940.

12. What are the "little Curies"?
(a) Cars that haul the wounded.
(b) X-ray machines delivered to new hospitals.
(c) Mobile labs that mine radium.
(d) Equipped X-ray cars.

13. What do Pierre's frustrations and poor health cause Marie to do?
(a) Flee her family.
(b) Take more time doing nothing.
(c) Work more intensely.
(d) Hire a full-time nurse.

14. What tic does Marie develop?
(a) She rubs her burned fingers together.
(b) She constantly coughs.
(c) She picks the skin away from her hands.
(d) She jerks her head from side to side.

15. What does Pierre discover about radiation?
(a) It is difficult to identify.
(b) It can be manufactored without radium.
(c) It is making him sick.
(d) It destroys diseased cells.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many scientific communications do the Curies publish between 1899 and 1904?

2. What does Marie typically do on Tuesday and Fridays?

3. Which of the following characters seems to be as despotic as Marie once was?

4. What does Marie accuse herself of when in truth she simply needs to find some actual rest in her life?

5. Why do the Curies decide not to patent their discovery?

(see the answer keys)

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