Madame Curie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Madame Curie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Manya stay working as the governess with Casimir's family?
(a) She cannot bear to be away from Casimir.
(b) She wants to convince them to approve of the marriage.
(c) The family asks her to stay to prevent scandal.
(d) She cannot find another job that pays as much.

2. Which of the following areas best describes why Manya feels so depressed?
(a) Unfulfilled financial obligations.
(b) Unfulfilled ability to learn in Paris.
(c) Unfulfilled love and intellectual ambition.
(d) Unfulfilled need to achieve personal fulfillment.

3. What does Manya experience as soon as she leaves her books?
(a) An anger at the Russians.
(b) A return of her sadness.
(c) A desire to help her mother.
(d) A longing to flee her life.

4. How does Manya describe her first post as governess?
(a) Tolerable.
(b) Hell.
(c) Wonderful.
(d) Inventive.

5. What does Marie eat regularly?
(a) Rice and broth.
(b) Beef and noodles.
(c) Buttered bread and tea.
(d) Water and noodles.

6. What does the father of the children in the opening scene of the school teach?
(a) Physics.
(b) Anatomy.
(c) Chemistry.
(d) Calculus.

7. Where does Manya go to escape from her troubles?
(a) School.
(b) Church.
(c) Books.
(d) The river.

8. What causes Manya to experience her first revolt against the church?
(a) The Russian imposition.
(b) Reading her books.
(c) Her father's loss of job and wages.
(d) Her mother's death.

9. Why does Manya come to the conclusion that keeping a post in Warsaw is impossible?
(a) She cannot hide from the Russians.
(b) She can not tolerate the rich.
(c) It does not pay enough.
(d) She finds no intellectual challenge.

10. How do the Curies discover radium's luminosity?
(a) They reduce the atomic weight.
(b) They combine it with salt.
(c) They see jars on the shelf glowing blue.
(d) They boil down the liquid for a long time.

11. Why is Manya always chosen to answer the inspector's questions?
(a) She is the youngest in the class and therefore impressive.
(b) She can tell lies perfectly in Russian.
(c) She speaks Russian perfectly and is knowledgeable.
(d) She is the most respectful to the inspector.

12. Where do Manya and Bronya dream of going?
(a) Paris.
(b) Russia.
(c) London.
(d) America.

13. Which of the children died from typhus?
(a) Zosia.
(b) Bronya.
(c) Hela.
(d) Joseph.

14. What does Marie decide to pursue her doctorate in?
(a) Physical science.
(b) Anatomy.
(c) Medicine.
(d) Biological science.

15. Which of the children has gone to study medicine?
(a) Bronya.
(b) Manya.
(c) Joseph.
(d) Hela.

Short Answer Questions

1. What profession does Bronya's husband have?

2. What is Pierre's only focus when Marie and he settle into their first flat?

3. How old is Manya at the beginning of this chapter?

4. What conclusion does Marie draw about the minerals she examines?

5. Why does Manya's work end at Sczczuki?

(see the answer keys)

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