Madame Bovary Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Madame Bovary Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does Emma's illness last after she reads Rodolphe's letter?
(a) A week.
(b) 6 months.
(c) 43 days.
(d) One year.

2. What do Léon and Emma do during their time together?
(a) All answers are correct.
(b) Lie in the grass.
(c) Eat in a tavern.
(d) Go on a boat ride.

3. What does Emma threaten to do to her beloved piano?
(a) Sell it.
(b) Donate it to charity.
(c) Give it to Hippolyte.
(d) Burn it.

4. Who does Homais get into a religious debate with?
(a) Abbé Bournisien.
(b) Monsieur Lhereux.
(c) Emma.
(d) Charles.

5. Who had written to Emma's father to inform him of her death?
(a) Charles.
(b) Rodolphe.
(c) Monsieur Homais.
(d) Charles' mother.

6. What does Emma finally convince Charles to let her do?
(a) Travel to Paris.
(b) Move to a larger home.
(c) Take piano lessons in Rouen.
(d) Visit Rodolphe.

7. Once she gets a bit of money what does Emma purchase from Lhereux?
(a) New clothes for Berthe.
(b) Furnishings for Léon's apartment.
(c) New draperies and a carpet.
(d) Medical equipment for Charles.

8. What does Charles' mother decide to do after Emma's death?
(a) Take him on a tour of Europe.
(b) Try to find him a new wife.
(c) Move in with him in Yonville.
(d) Take him to Paris.

9. What bad news does Homais break to Emma?
(a) Her father-in-law has died.
(b) She owes him a large sum of money.
(c) Charles has left her.
(d) Berthe is ill.

10. Eventually, what happens to Hippolyte?
(a) He recovers completely.
(b) His foot needs to be amputated.
(c) He sues Charles and Homais.
(d) He dies.

11. Who does Emma call out for in her final moments?
(a) The blind man.
(b) Rodolphe.
(c) Vicomte.
(d) Léon.

12. Where do Emma and Léon meet when they are in the city?
(a) In a gaudily decorated hotel room.
(b) In a stagecoach.
(c) In Léon's apartment.
(d) At the home of Léon's employer.

13. How does Emma explain her absence the night she doesn't return home?
(a) She says she had taken ill.
(b) She says she was playing in a recital.
(c) She says she fell asleep.
(d) She says she missed her coach.

14. What happens after Léon and Emma run into Monsieur Lhereux?
(a) Emma and Léon run off to Paris.
(b) Emma confesses her affair to Charles.
(c) Lhereux asks Emma for more money.
(d) Léon breaks off the relationship.

15. Why is Emma scrambling for money?
(a) She paid Rodolphe to keep their affair a secret.
(b) She gave all of her spending money to charity.
(c) She bought Berthe too many expensive toys.
(d) She has to pay off Lhereux.

Short Answer Questions

1. What causes Emma to relapse during a walk with Charles when she is recuperating?

2. Who does Monsieur Homais encounter on his way home?

3. What happens when Emma arrives back at her hotel?

4. What does Emma throw out of the cab at the end of the day?

5. After suggesting a method of gaining more money for Emma, what does Monsieur Lhereux try to sell her?

(see the answer keys)

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