Madame Bovary Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Madame Bovary Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After she throws herself into domestic life, how does Emma's appearance change?
(a) She drastically cuts her hair.
(b) She grows very thin.
(c) She becomes pregnant again.
(d) She gains a lot of weight from eating too much.

2. What is the main topic of conversation at Emma's first dinner in Yonville?
(a) Religion.
(b) Medicine and the weather.
(c) Political upheaval.
(d) Local town gossip.

3. What event causes the delay of the "Hirondelle" and also marks the loss of Emma's last remaining confidante?
(a) Emma tells Charles her true feelings about her provincial life.
(b) Emma fires her new maid.
(c) Emma's greyhound runs away.
(d) Emma accuses Charles of having an affair.

4. When does Emma begin sneaking off to see Rodolphe?
(a) In the early morning.
(b) After Charles has fallen asleep for the evening.
(c) After dinner with Charles.
(d) After Berthe takes her nap.

5. What is Monsieur Binet doing when Emma runs into him on the way to visit Rodolphe?
(a) Duck hunting.
(b) Spying on Emma.
(c) Collecting unpaid taxes from Rodolphe's neighbor.
(d) Farming.

6. What event does Homais disclose is coming to Yonville?
(a) A display of scientific artifacts.
(b) A fashion show.
(c) A large agricultural exhibition.
(d) A traveling circus.

7. Why doesn't Binet believe her?
(a) Because he knows that Emma doesn't have a dog.
(b) Because he knows that Rodolphe is not home.
(c) Because he has seen her visiting Rodolphe before.
(d) Because he knows that Berthe has been removed from the wet nurse.

8. Where does Léon want to go to finish his law studies?
(a) America.
(b) Rome.
(c) London.
(d) Paris.

9. Why does Monsieur Rodolphe Boulanger call on Charles?
(a) He is interested in becoming a doctor.
(b) He has broken his leg.
(c) For nutritional advice.
(d) For a bloodletting.

10. What does Emma tell Binet she is doing to hide her secret?
(a) Visiting the wet nurse.
(b) Looking for her dog that ran off.
(c) Gathering wildflowers.
(d) Borrowing books from Rodolphe.

11. What career does Charles Bovary eventually settle on to please his mother?
(a) Doctor.
(b) Lawyer.
(c) Farmer.
(d) Shopkeeper.

12. How does Rodolphe try to get on Charles' good side?
(a) By addressing him as "Doctor" when he walks into a room.
(b) By giving him a bonus check for services rendered.
(c) By recommending his services to other upper class clients around town.
(d) By bringing him gifts.

13. What do the Bovarys discover about their new home?
(a) It is infested with mice.
(b) It is a mere cottage and not up to Emma's standards.
(c) It still has boarders living in it.
(d) It is well-designed but in disarray.

14. During the fair, a woman wins a monetary award for what remarkable achievement?
(a) She has had 11 children.
(b) She was the first woman to win an agricultural prize.
(c) She has worked at the same farm her entire life.
(d) She has raised the winning sheep for 5 years in a row.

15. Who comes to stay with the Bovarys after the birth of their child?
(a) Charles' mother.
(b) Emma's mother.
(c) Emma's father.
(d) Charles' father.

Short Answer Questions

1. What seems to disappoint Emma about her pregnancy and the birth of her child, Berthe?

2. What is the name of the town clerk who boards with the Homais family and is incredibly bored with the provincial life in Yonville?

3. Why is Boulanger's attention in such high demand at the fair?

4. What memento does Emma burn in a fit of depression?

5. What gift does Emma receive from one of Charles' patients?

(see the answer keys)

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