Madame Bovary Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Madame Bovary Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Emma unhappy when she is no longer at the convent?
(a) She feels that life is boring and uneventful.
(b) She wants to become a nun.
(c) She has ended an unsatisfying love affair.
(d) She misses her best friend.

2. What is one of the things that Charles does to show his complete adoration of Emma?
(a) He takes her to Rome.
(b) He frames her sketches.
(c) He writes her a love poem.
(d) He has a portrait painted of her by her favorite artist.

3. After she throws herself into domestic life, how does Emma's appearance change?
(a) She gains a lot of weight from eating too much.
(b) She becomes pregnant again.
(c) She grows very thin.
(d) She drastically cuts her hair.

4. How does Homais want Charles to help him?
(a) By taking over the pharmacy once he retires.
(b) By overseeing his advice to clients.
(c) By helping him study to become a doctor.
(d) By helping him write a speech for a prestigious scientific society.

5. What happens on Emma's wedding night that causes some people to think that she and her father are acting above their class?
(a) She leaves early without saying goodbye.
(b) She serves wine only to the wealthy guests.
(c) She refuses to allow wedding pranks to be played on her.
(d) She forgets to say "thank you" to her guests.

6. What happens to Charles' first wife?
(a) She is killed by a horse.
(b) She leaves him for a local priest.
(c) She runs off to Paris to become an actress.
(d) She dies after becoming financially ruined.

7. Where is the ball held where Emma meets Vicomte?
(a) At Charles' home at Tostes.
(b) At Emma and Charles' home at Les Bertaux.
(c) La Vaubyessard.
(d) At her parents' home at Bertaux.

8. Charles and Emma's relationship grows as they are alone one day discussing what?
(a) Childhood memories and times at school.
(b) Farming.
(c) Banking.
(d) Popular fashions and town gossip.

9. What does Emma tell Binet she is doing to hide her secret?
(a) Visiting the wet nurse.
(b) Looking for her dog that ran off.
(c) Gathering wildflowers.
(d) Borrowing books from Rodolphe.

10. Who came to the convent to tell fantastic stories to the girls there?
(a) A spinster who helped with the sewing.
(b) Félicité.
(c) Leon Dupuis.
(d) A visiting priest.

11. Where does Boulanger decide his seduction of Emma will begin?
(a) Emma's home.
(b) The agricultural show.
(c) During one of the Homais' Sunday parties.
(d) At a dance he is organizing.

12. Why is Abbé Bournisien distracted when Emma comes to see him?
(a) He is awaiting another confessor.
(b) He is distracted by some misbehaving boys.
(c) He has just spoken to Léon.
(d) He is late for dinner.

13. As Emma and Léon get to know each other, what do they originally discuss?
(a) Horses.
(b) Medicine.
(c) Far away places.
(d) Literature.

14. What gift does Léon bring to Emma?
(a) Some exotic plants.
(b) A new dress.
(c) A journal.
(d) A puppy.

15. Why is Charles unhappy during his first few weeks as Yonville's doctor?
(a) He wants to become a pharmacist instead.
(b) He has too many patients and cannot find enough time to treat them all.
(c) He has few patients and is worried about money.
(d) He is unable to treat a suspected outbreak of disease in the town.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Léon leaves to continue his studies, how does Emma cope with the loss?

2. After running into Binet, what do Emma and Rodolphe decide to do?

3. What causes Emma to return to Bertaux from the convent?

4. Why does Emma fire her maid upon returning from the ball?

5. What award is being presented as Rodolphe professes his love for Emma?

(see the answer keys)

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