Mad Love Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mad Love Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. New Justine was set against the backdrop of what location?
(a) Mt. Ranier.
(b) Mt. McKinley.
(c) The Swiss Alps.
(d) Mt. Etna.

2. What happened later the same evening that Breton wrote of having met Lamba?
(a) They had their first rendevous.
(b) They had an argument.
(c) They never spoke.
(d) They were married.

3. Who was presumably with Breton in Brittany in Section 6?
(a) Cezanne.
(b) Marie.
(c) Dali.
(d) Lamba.

4. Breton concludes Section 5 wondering if perhaps the connection between the coast, the house, the murder, and his desire for solitude do not constitute an ______ and a deliberate undoing.
(a) Underappreciation.
(b) Overstimulation.
(c) Underestimation.
(d) Overdetermination.

5. Breton refers to the myth of Venus and the what?
(a) Golden Ring.
(b) Golden Harp.
(c) Golden Hind.
(d) Golden Apple.

Short Answer Questions

1. It was suggested to Breton that the house in Section 6 was where what had occurred?

2. In reviewing his poem, "Sunflower," Breton wrote, "Today I am unhesitatingly convinced of its profound ____."

3. The film L'Age d'or was controversial because it was considered an attack on what?

4. Breton remarked in Section 4 that he had retained a copy of "Sunflower" for over how long?

5. Who painted The House of the Hanged Man?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Breton remark of "desire" in Section 5? Did Breton view desire as a positive or negative emotion?

2. What is the subject and focus of Section 6? How does it relate to Section 6?

3. Why did Breton not name his company on his trip in Section 6?

4. What is the subject and focus of Section 4? How does this section contrast from the previous one?

5. What did Breton transition to following his descriptions of the volcano in Section 5?

6. When did Breton write the poem, "Sunflower" in Section 4? To whom was it dedicated?

7. What did Breton feel the edits had done to the poem "Sunflower"?

8. What trip did Breton recount in Section 6? Where did he go, and when?

9. What juxtapositions did Breton use in his descriptions of Lamba in Section 4?

10. What did Breton remark of the flora and fauna in Section 5?

(see the answer keys)

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