Mad Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mad Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What, in psychoanalytic theory, is a group of largely unconscious (dynamically repressed) ideas and feelings which concentrate on the desire to possess the parent of the opposite sex and eliminate the parent of the same sex?
(a) Oedipal complex.
(b) Neurotisicm.
(c) Venus complex.
(d) Aphrodite complex.

2. What did Breton recall an early definition of as "big spoons, enormous bitter-apples, and chandeliers of soap bubbles"?
(a) Stream-of-consciousness.
(b) Dadaism.
(c) Surrealism.
(d) Automatism.

3. What is the original French title of Mad Love?
(a) L'Air de l'eau.
(b) Manifeste du surréalisme.
(c) L'Immaculée Conception.
(d) L'Amour fou.

4. Breton stated, in the first postscript of Section 3, that he had repressed the connection between the spoon and the what?
(a) Shoe.
(b) Story.
(c) Phallus.
(d) Handle.

5. In Section 2, Breton sought to answer how one memory might stand out as being a "sign of the spontaneous, the indeterminate, the unforeseeable or even the _____."
(a) Unattainable.
(b) Impossible.
(c) Undoable.
(d) Unlikely.

6. Breton noted in Section 2 that answering how a memory might stand out as a sign of the spontaneous was likely not an appropriate answer to be sought through what?
(a) Science.
(b) A magazine.
(c) A test.
(d) A survey.

7. When was the first postscript of Section 3 written?
(a) 1940.
(b) 1936.
(c) 1950.
(d) 1934.

8. Breton and his friend, in Section 3, associated the mask's original purpose as being what?
(a) British sabre mask.
(b) Russian sabre mask.
(c) German sabre mask.
(d) French sabre mask.

9. What French aristocrat and author from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century is known for his erotic and blasphemous novels, many of which were written while he was imprisoned?
(a) Marquis de Sade.
(b) Antonin Artaud.
(c) Andre Breton.
(d) Charles Baudelaire.

10. What Surrealist journal is cited in Section 2 of Mad Love?
(a) The Centaur.
(b) Literature.
(c) The Venus.
(d) The Minotaur.

11. What refers to the universal principle or ultimate agency by which the order of things is presumably prescribed?
(a) Religion.
(b) Fate.
(c) Logic.
(d) God.

12. Surrealist theory argues that what are important for the shock and surprise they elicit?
(a) Themes.
(b) Symbols.
(c) Metaphors.
(d) Juxtapositions.

13. What year was it that Breton recounted going to a restaurant, in Section 1?
(a) 1934.
(b) 1925.
(c) 1939.
(d) 1941.

14. Who wrote Mad Love?
(a) Luis Bunuel.
(b) Salvador Dali.
(c) Jacques Vaché.
(d) Andre Breton.

15. What comprises that organized part of the personality structure that criticizes and prohibits his or her drives, fantasies, feelings, and actions?
(a) Self.
(b) Ego.
(c) Super-ego.
(d) Id.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was the second postscript of Section 3 written?

2. What is the title of the photograph in Section 1 which accompanies Breton's discussion of Tarot?

3. Breton wrote in Section 3 that the meaning of the slipper in Cinderella is that of "lost object" and that to Breton it symbolized what?

4. What Austrian neurologist founded the psychoanalytic school of psychiatry?

5. The only works published of Comte de Lautréamont include Les Chants de Maldoror and what?

(see the answer keys)

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