Mad Honey Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mad Honey Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Dirk Anderson

A local schoolboy, this character embodies typical tropes of adolescent masculinity.

Maya Bannerjee

A local schoolgirl, this character is a long-time friend of a local hockey star.

Ava Campanello

Mother of one of the narrators, this character is a forest ranger.

Lily Campanello

One of the narrators of the novel, this character is an aspiring cellist and fencer.

Asher Fields

Son of one of the narrators and lover of the other, this character is a late-teenaged hockey star.

Braden Fields

Ex-husband of one of the narrators, this character is an abusive surgeon.

Jordan McAfee

Brother of one of the narrators, this character is a semiretired defense attorney.

Olivia McAfee

One of the narrators of the novel, this character is a beekeeper and mother.

Selena McAfee

Sister-in-law of one of the narrators, this character is a remarkable legal assistant.

Mike Newcomb

Love-interest of one of the narrators, this...

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