Lysistrata Test | Final Test - Easy

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Lysistrata Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who has driven the men of Sparta away from their women, which has left the men doubled up in pain and frustration?
(a) Lampito.
(b) Lysistrata.
(c) Kleonike.
(d) Kinesias.

2. Who does Kinesias want to see when he approaches the building and Lysistrata?
(a) Kleonike.
(b) Lysistrata.
(c) Myrrhine.
(d) Lampito.

3. The Commissioner notes that a lot of double dealing happens when the people are ___________.
(a) Quiet.
(b) Sober.
(c) Peaceful.
(d) At war.

4. The Commissioner tells the Messenger to go to _________________ and tell the government to negotiate for peace.
(a) Cairo.
(b) Sparta.
(c) Rome.
(d) Athens.

5. Kinesias eagerly urges Myrrhine to __________ with him, but she stalls him.
(a) Eat.
(b) Hold the baby.
(c) Leave the temple.
(d) Make love.

6. The ______________ suggests that since peace is at hand, the battle of the sexes should end too.
(a) Male Leader.
(b) Female Leader.
(c) Old Man.
(d) Old Woman.

7. The ________ bangs on the door of the Akropolis and demands to be admitted.
(a) Commissioner.
(b) Slave.
(c) Female Leader.
(d) Male Leader.

8. The Female Leader tells the Male Leader he looks more like a ____________ than ever.
(a) Man.
(b) Hero.
(c) God.
(d) Stud.

9. What does Lysistrata offer as proof that the women will be victorious in their efforts?
(a) Prophesy.
(b) A sword.
(c) A male prisoner.
(d) Her blood.

10. Kinesias talks about how __________ things have been since Myrrhine has been gone.
(a) Quiet.
(b) Hard.
(c) Chaotic.
(d) Easy.

11. Lysistrata reminds Myrrhine that it is her __________ to get her husband all hot and bothered.
(a) Mission.
(b) Duty.
(c) Love.
(d) Promise.

12. One of the women's complaints is that they are _____________ in the Akropolis when they come out to talk to Lysistrata.
(a) Lonely.
(b) Dirty.
(c) Drunk.
(d) Sick.

13. The Commissioner orders the ____________ to move along, saying the Spartans need to pass.
(a) Romans.
(b) Women.
(c) Chorus.
(d) Children.

14. Who dresses the Male Leader in his robes and tunic again, though the Male Leader doesn't think this gesture is sincere?
(a) The Commissioner.
(b) Female Leader.
(c) Lysistrata.
(d) Kleonike.

15. Whose husband has approached the women as they are waiting for battle?
(a) Kleonike's.
(b) Myrrhine's.
(c) Lampito's.
(d) Lysistrata's.

Short Answer Questions

1. The person in the story from the Female Chorus still loves ____________.

2. As Lysistrata talks with the ______________, some of the women try to run away.

3. The Chorus of Men talk about how much ___________ they have and that anybody can come to collect it.

4. What does Kinesias call sex - the Rites of _______________.

5. Who accompanies Lysistrata when she is called into the room?

(see the answer keys)

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