Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream Test | Final Test - Medium

Doris Kearns Goodwin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream Test | Final Test - Medium

Doris Kearns Goodwin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Things Go Wrong," what does the author say Johnson hesitated over for two years before making a recommendation to Congress?
(a) Tax decrease.
(b) Tax increase.
(c) Request for funds to rennovate the White House.
(d) Request to televise debates.

2. Where was President Kennedy assassinated?
(a) California.
(b) Florida.
(c) Washington, D.C.
(d) Texas.

3. Who did Johnson choose to be his Vice President in the 1964 Presidential election?
(a) William Fulbright.
(b) Robert Kennedy.
(c) Hubert Humphrey.
(d) John Stevenson.

4. What did Johnson compare his Great Society programs with at the beginning of "Things Go Wrong"?
(a) A benevolent uncle.
(b) Beautiful woman.
(c) A massive snowball.
(d) A king.

5. Who did Johnson say controlled the three major networks during his administration?
(a) Kennedys and Communists.
(b) Conservatives.
(c) Wealthy shareholders.
(d) Liberals.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Johnson propose in a televised speech before Congress immediately following the King march in 1965?

2. When did Johnson like to hold press conferences during his first elected term as President?

3. In "The Great Society," where does the author say Johnson first introduced the term "Great Society" in a speech?

4. What job did Robert McNamara take in 1967?

5. Who was Governor of the state in which King organized a march in 1965?

Short Essay Questions

1. What were some of the events that took place as the peace movement got underway in 1968?

2. How did inflation and the war affect Johnson's approval ratings between 1966 and 1968?

3. Why did Johnson think the media was sabotaging him?

4. How did Johnson calm the American public after Kennedy's assassination?

5. Why did Johnson stop meeting with his National Security Council when he was under siege?

6. What reasons did Johnson give Robert Kennedy for not choosing Kennedy to be on the presidential ticket with him?

7. Why did Johnson increase ground troops in Vietnam in 1965?

8. What was Johnson's first reaction to the Watts, Los Angeles riots in August, 1965?

9. What did Johnson say was the reason he could not let the Communists take over the South Vietnam?

10. Describe the results of the Presidential Election of 1964.

(see the answer keys)

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