Lunch Poems Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lunch Poems Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does O'Hara want to change in "Poem"?
(a) He wants to be depressed.
(b) He wants to be brave.
(c) He wishes he was creative.
(d) He wants to become charming.

2. What happens when Alma moves to Detroit?
(a) She joins the army.
(b) She opens a jewelry store.
(c) She becomes a teacher.
(d) She marries a mechanic.

3. In "Naphtha," whom does O'Hara thank for his vibrant imagery?
(a) Annie Lebowitz.
(b) Basquiat.
(c) Rembrant.
(d) Jean Dubuffet.

4. What type of neurotic does O'Hara describe himself as in "Poem"?
(a) Mainpulative.
(b) Handsome.
(c) Friendly.
(d) Beautiful.

5. What do people not believe at the end of "Alma"?
(a) Alma isn't married.
(b) Alma is dead.
(c) The winter didn't result in frost.
(d) The war is over.

6. What month does O'Hara say is approaching in "Poem (4)"?
(a) May.
(b) September.
(c) December.
(d) June.

7. Where does O'Hara wonder if he should work at in "Cambridge"?
(a) A hospital.
(b) A construction site.
(c) A doctor's offic.
(d) A school.

8. What bird does O'Hara describe in "Three Airs"?
(a) A canary.
(b) An owl.
(c) An eagle.
(d) A hummingbird.

9. What type of structure does O'Hara claim the person he thanks played in at the end of "Naphtha"?
(a) Churches.
(b) Buildings.
(c) Libraries.
(d) Bridges.

10. Whom is O'Hara listening to during "On Rachmaninoff's Birthday"?
(a) His mother.
(b) A polka band.
(c) Beethoven.
(d) The master.

11. Whose assault does O'Hara discuss in "Personal Poem"?
(a) James Henry.
(b) Malcom X.
(c) LeRoi Jones.
(d) Miles Davis.

12. What type of people are on the bus in "On the Way to San Remo"?
(a) Thin people.
(b) Angry people.
(c) Rich people.
(d) Fat people.

13. What location does O'Hara wish to be free from at the end of "Three Airs"?
(a) The local bar.
(b) The grave.
(c) The country.
(d) The city.

14. In "Rhapsody," O'Hara stands on top of __________.
(a) A staircase.
(b) A building.
(c) A fountain.
(d) A bench.

15. What object does O'Hara describe in "Rhapsody"?
(a) A fountain.
(b) A building.
(c) A table.
(d) A statue.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does "On Rachmaninoff's Birthday" take place?

2. In "Naphtha," how does O'Hara describe the structures where his music is played?

3. In "Personal Poem" with whom does O'Hara eat?

4. What kind of house is O'Hara staying at in "2 Poems from the O'Hara Monogatari"?

5. What does O'Hara carry in his pocket in "Personal Poem"?

(see the answer keys)

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