Lullaby Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lullaby Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Helen Boyle's secretary?
(a) Mona
(b) Jean
(c) Martha
(d) Joyce

2. What is being announced on the radio when Carl meets up with Nash?
(a) Class schedules for a community college
(b) Obituaries
(c) The weather
(d) School lunch menus

3. What does Nash set fire to in the bar?
(a) A paper plate
(b) His notes
(c) A napkin
(d) A book of napkins

4. What is the difference between night witches and day witches?
(a) Day witches nurture and night witches are evil
(b) Day witches draw power from the sun and night witches from the moon
(c) Day witches cannot cast spells at night and night witches cannot cast in the daylight
(d) Day witches aren't afraid of sunlight and night witches are

5. Which of the following is among the details Carl gives about the cab?
(a) That it's grey inside
(b) That the seat has been slit
(c) That it stinks
(d) That the driver is foreign

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Helen offer to show Carl as proof of Patrick's whereabouts?

2. Who is the last person the Stuarts talked to on their cell phones?

3. Who does Helen call on her cell phone in her quest for directions?

4. What does Carl discover after saying the culling poem in the shower?

5. What is the image the owners usually see reflected in the water in the tub?

Short Essay Questions

1. List the details Carl learns about the man in the trench coat that Carl killed.

2. What does Helen say about her ability to pray very quickly?

3. What does Carl say about the sounds he hears from his apartment?

4. What does Carl discover about his ability to forget the culling song?

5. What is the "Roadkill Jesus" and what kind of people are gathering because of it?

6. What is the significance of the story about the nurse who killed so many people?

7. Briefly describe three of three people Carl kills on the way back to his office.

8. What is Carl's purpose for his first meeting with Helen?

9. What is the inverted pyramid?

10. Describe the actions and conversation of the man with the sideburns.

(see the answer keys)

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