Lucy by the Sea Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth Strout
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lucy by the Sea Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth Strout
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book Two: Chapter 5, what does William get excited about?
(a) Climate change.
(b) Building a retirement home.
(c) Bird watching.
(d) Potato parasites.

2. In Book Two: Chapter 4, what triggers the protagonist's panic attack?
(a) Thoughts of her apartment in New York.
(b) Seeing David's cello in the bedroom.
(c) Hearing the ocean through her skylight.
(d) The moon being almost full.

3. In Book Two: Chapter 5, where do Lucy and Charlene walk together?
(a) On the beach.
(b) In the park.
(c) Along the river walk.
(d) In the neighborhood.

4. In Book Two: Chapter 3, where do William and his sister sit and talk?
(a) On the steps of the library.
(b) Inside the library.
(c) In a park.
(d) In William's house.

5. In Book Two: Chapter 3, what does Charlene Bibber confess to the narrator?
(a) She has never been married.
(b) She has a fling with a married man.
(c) She has stolen someone's shoe.
(d) She has a secret shoe collection.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book Two: Chapter 4, how does Lucy describe her memory of William's shoes?

2. In Book Two: Chapter 5, where do William and Lucy become residents?

3. In Book Two: Chapter 1, how does Lucy feel about the protests?

4. In Book Two: Chapter 4, what do William and Lucy start doing every night?

5. In Book Two: Chapter 3, why does Lucy mention a lecture they attended at Columbia University?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Book 2: Chapter 5, what does the protagonist observe about the town and its inhabitants?

2. In Book 2: Chapter 3, what does William decide to take with him to meet Lois Bubar, and how does it turn out?

3. In Book 2: Chapter 1, what is the narrator's reaction when she hears that her daughter is attending protests in New Haven?

4. In Book 2: Chapter 1, what is the narrator's experience of going to the grocery store during the pandemic?

5. In Book 2: Chapter 5, why does William believe that giving away the money he inherited would not make a difference?

6. In Book 2: Chapter 2, what is significant about the location where the group sits for their picnic?

7. In Book 2: Chapter 2, why does Bob walk away from the table and call someone?

8. In Book 2: Chapter 2, what is the connection between Katherine's father and Bob's father?

9. In Book 2: Chapter 3, what does Bob Burgess and Lucy do while William went to meet Lois Bubar?

10. In Book 2: Chapter 3, what is William's plan in the story?

(see the answer keys)

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