Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What show does Alice find hard to watch with her family following her rape?
2. Who took photos of Alice earlier in the night?
3. What is Alice wearing as a top when she is in the tunnel?
4. Who does the detective remind Alice of?
5. What is the name of the representative from the Rape Crisis Center?
Short Essay Questions
1. What did Alice's mother struggle with while Alice and her sister were growing up? What causes her condition?
2. What does Alice see in the elevator in Mary's college dorm? What happened to this girl?
3. Who among the church parishioners does Alice bond with? What did this person do for Alice when she was growing up?
4. Who does Alice ask to help her shower? What makes Alice send her away?
5. What show does Alice find uncomfortable watching with her family? Why is she uncomfortable about it?
6. What does Alice's Dad question about the rape? How does this make Alice feel?
7. When do people say a woman stops fighting? What does Alice say about this?
8. What was the tunnel at the beginning of the book once used for? What does Alice see in the tunnel that still remains with her to this day?
9. What does the attacker take from Alice? What does Alice notice he overlooks as he robs her?
10. When Alice comes home after the rape, what does Alice say that shocks her father? Why does she do this?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Think about Linda's reaction to her rape, both to the case and to Alice. Write an essay about Lila's behavior after she was raped and the reasons for her actions. How do they differ from Alice? How are they similar?
Essay Topic 2
Read Alice's poem "If They Caught You," annotating and analyzing the poem. Then write an essay analyzing the stylistic elements of the poem, and how they contribute to the tone and meaning of the poem.
Essay Topic 3
Throughout her trail, Alice constantly enforces the fact that she was a virgin when she was raped. Write an essay on the importance of Alice's virginity on her case and what her trial might have been like if she had not been a virgin.
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