Lucky Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lucky Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following old ladies does NOT visit Alice while she is recovering?
(a) Mrs. Mole.
(b) Mrs. Narbonne.
(c) Peggy O'Neil.
(d) Mrs. Jeitles.

2. Who does Alice say speaks Arabic when she is waiting for the police?
(a) The RSA.
(b) A maintenance man.
(c) A policeman.
(d) The doctor.

3. What does the assailant say to Alice when he first grabs her?
(a) Stay calm I'm not gonna hurt you.
(b) I'm gonna slit your throat.
(c) I'll kill your family if you scream.
(d) I'll kill you if you scream.

4. What does Alice hold on to while the man drags her to the tunnel?
(a) The tall grass.
(b) A tree stump.
(c) A rock.
(d) An iron fence.

5. What doesn't Alice's father understand that hurts Alice to this day?
(a) How Alice couldn't identify her attacker.
(b) How Alice's screams could not be heard.
(c) How Alice is so calm about it now.
(d) How the attacker raped her without a weapon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first line of Alice's workshop poem?

2. What is the name of the dorm that Alice stays in during her second year of college?

3. What officer is Alice redirected to in regards to her case?

4. What does Alice think about while her attacker is raping her?

5. What does Alice put on hoping to impress her mother when she comes?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Alice first sees her rapist, what does he say to her? How does Alice respond?

2. What does the psychiatrist prescribe Alice with to help her calm down? What is Alice's reaction to this?

3. What show does Alice find uncomfortable watching with her family? Why is she uncomfortable about it?

4. What does Alice see in the elevator in Mary's college dorm? What happened to this girl?

5. What was the tunnel at the beginning of the book once used for? What does Alice see in the tunnel that still remains with her to this day?

6. What play is Steve Carbonaro obsessed with? What character does he compare Alice to?

7. When Alice and Ken go with the officer to look for her rapist, what is unusual about the officer's behavior? Why does he behave like this?

8. As the attacker is raping Alice, what does Alice begin to think of? What does she start doing?

9. After the attack is finished, what does the rapist say to Alice? What does he offer her?

10. When Alice starts fighting her attacker, what does she say her cries do? What does her struggle do to the attacker?

(see the answer keys)

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