Lucky Jim Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lucky Jim Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the end of Chapter 12, how long does Dixon tell Christine to wait before going outside?
(a) 25 minutes.
(b) 15 minutes.
(c) 20 minutes.
(d) 10 minutes.

2. How does the argument between Bertrand, Dixon, and Christine end in Chapter 4?
(a) When Christine insists they stop.
(b) When Dixon agrees with Bertrand.
(c) When Dixon decides to leave.
(d) When Bertrand walks away.

3. What does Christine do when Dixon tells Margaret about the burn holes in Chapter 7?
(a) She laughs.
(b) She threatens Dixon.
(c) She hides.
(d) She interrupts.

4. After talking with Michie about the class syllabus, what does Dixon decide to do?
(a) Make it lighter.
(b) Have someone else write it.
(c) Keep it the same.
(d) Make it heavier.

5. How does Chapter 11 begin?
(a) With Carol and Gore-Urquhart dancing.
(b) With Dixon and Margaret dancing.
(c) With Dixon and Christine dancing.
(d) With Bertrand and Christine dancing.

6. What does Dixon have to walk through to get to his bedroom?
(a) A library.
(b) A bathroom.
(c) A living area.
(d) A storage closet.

7. In Chapter 2, why does Dixon continue to agree to take part in art week?
(a) To impress Margaret.
(b) To show off in front of Welch.
(c) To earn extra money.
(d) To try to get a full time position.

8. What makes Dixon suspicious of Bertrand and Carol in Chapter 5?
(a) When he reads a note from Christine.
(b) When he sees them hug.
(c) When Welch makes a suggestive statement.
(d) When he hears Carol talking about Bertrand.

9. In Chapter 1, how does Dixon describe Welch's feelings toward music?
(a) He says it is Welch's career.
(b) He says it is Welch's bane.
(c) He says it is Welch's friend.
(d) He says it is Welch's passion.

10. In Chapter 9, why does Christine call?
(a) To speak to Carol.
(b) To say she'll be out of town.
(c) To ask about the dance.
(d) To try to find Bertrand.

11. Why does Dixon take Welch's phone call in Chapter 9?
(a) Because Welch is out.
(b) Because the porter was confused.
(c) Because he knows the answer to the caller's problem.
(d) Because Welch asked him to.

12. In Chapter 10, what does Dixon decide to tell Margaret about what he knows about Carol and Bertrand?
(a) He decides to tell her nothing.
(b) He decides to tell her everything.
(c) He decides to drop hints.
(d) He decides to ask questions to see if she knows.

13. In Chapter 1, what article does Welch ask Dixon about?
(a) The one about highway accidents.
(b) The one about labor statistics.
(c) The one about shipbuilding techniques.
(d) The one about bridge construction.

14. Where does Dixon live?
(a) A cottage.
(b) A boarding house.
(c) Campus apartments.
(d) A dorm.

15. While pretending to be a reporter on the phone, why does Dixon suggest Bertrand call Christine?
(a) Because she was looking for him.
(b) Because Bertrand asks his opinion.
(c) Because she might end up working for the paper.
(d) Because she set up the interview.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Dixon go after being kicked out of Margaret's room in Chapter 5?

2. What does Dixon worry about when Johns walks in the room after his phone call with Christine in Chapter 9?

3. Why does Johns laugh at Dixon in Chapter 4?

4. Why did Margaret try to commit suicide?

5. In Chapter 9, what does Michie say about Dixon's syllabus?

(see the answer keys)

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