Lucinda's Secret Test | Final Test - Easy

Holly Black
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lucinda's Secret Test | Final Test - Easy

Holly Black
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Jared nervous?
(a) Because the Faerie Queen is so big.
(b) Because the elves have frozen Mallory and Simon from moving.
(c) Because the elves show no emotion.
(d) Because the elves are so ugly.

2. What do the trees do?
(a) Start falling down.
(b) Wave their branches though it's not windy.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Weave together to trap the children.

3. Why is Mallory happy?
(a) That her aunt is calm again.
(b) That her mother is punishing Jared.
(c) That the Field Guide is gone.
(d) That Jared is listening to reason.

4. What is Mallory's stipulation about what her brothers want to do?
(a) Go in the day.
(b) Go on a full moon.
(c) Take Thimbletack with them.
(d) Go at midnight.

5. What does Simon take on their walk?
(a) A flashlight.
(b) A bird whistle.
(c) A pen knife.
(d) A butterfly net.

6. What happens to Jared when he touches Mallory?
(a) He screams.
(b) He disappears.
(c) He is drawn into a vision she is having.
(d) He falls to the ground.

7. What does the creature turn out to be?
(a) A unicorn.
(b) A flying faerie.
(c) A minotaur.
(d) An ogre.

8. What do they ask the animal?
(a) Why it is in the tree.
(b) What sort of animal it is.
(c) If they know Arthur.
(d) How the rabbit got in a tree.

9. What does Jared remember about sod?
(a) Nothing.
(b) How it is only on the surface of the earth.
(c) How it can hold many secrets.
(d) How it makes people lose their way.

10. How would humans be if they knew the secrets in the Field Guild?
(a) A danger to themselves.
(b) Even more destructive.
(c) Brainless.
(d) Like robots.

11. What is Jared doing on the way home?
(a) Crying.
(b) Talking with an unseen creature.
(c) Eating sugar cookies.
(d) Sleeping.

12. What does Simon hope to do in the Fantastical World?
(a) Find his father.
(b) Catch some creatures.
(c) Meet the Faerie queen.
(d) He does not want to go into the Fantastical World.

13. What do the elves admit about the Field Guide?
(a) Cassandra, a human, wrote it.
(b) They do not know everything that is in the book.
(c) Merlin, a human, wrote it.
(d) It was not theirs originally.

14. What does Mallory do to Simon?
(a) Hugs him and tells him not to be frightened.
(b) Makes him give her his net.
(c) Forces his shirt inside out.
(d) Makes him return home.

15. Who had left the book?
(a) The Faerie Queen.
(b) Arthur.
(c) Melvina.
(d) Lucinda.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Simon suggest they look for more information?

2. What does Jared ask about the goblins?

3. How does Mallory threaten Simon?

4. What is talking to the children from a tree?

5. Where are the children walking?

(see the answer keys)

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