The Lower Depths Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lower Depths Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do Pepel and Bubnoff discuss honor and conscience with?
(a) Vassilisa.
(b) Kleshtch.
(c) Nastya.
(d) Natasha.

2. What is the locksmith trying to fix?
(a) The clogged pipe.
(b) A stubborn lock.
(c) The toilet.
(d) The lock on the safe.

3. What are the human sounds that can be heard on set?
(a) Giggling and snorting.
(b) Coughing and grunting.
(c) Sneezing and laughing.
(d) Crying and yelling.

4. Who does Andrei say that he thinks Kvashnya will end up marrying?
(a) Miedviedieff.
(b) Kostilyoff.
(c) The Baron.
(d) The Actor.

5. What does Anna say about the possibility of Kleshthch feeling pained by Anna's condition?
(a) Anna tells Luka that Keshtch told her that.
(b) Anna agrees.
(c) Anna dismisses it, saying Kleshtch caused it.
(d) Nothing, she cries.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the setting for Act 2?

2. Who lives in the rooms of the first set?

3. Who is reminded that he must repay his debts in this life, not the afterlife?

4. Who is the locksmith?

5. What kinds of books does Nastya like to read?

(see the answer key)

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