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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. The right to passion drives which one of the following?
2. What type of relationship do White Supremacists want with blacks?
3. Assuming that works of art that are not built upon Western foundations and structures have no value is intrinsically ethnocentric and ______________.
4. In Chicano culture a sexually liberated woman is considered to be ____________________.
5. Proponents of post-modernism are notorious for using _____________________.
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Moraga feel the feminist movement may be doomed to failure?
2. Does Moraga think it will be easy to stop the loss of cultures in schools?
3. What example of writer Gloria Anzaldua's work does Moraga use to point out that academia gets lost in obsessions with complex theory?
4. Why are sexually liberated women, and to a greater degree, lesbians, denigrated in Chicano society?
5. In "Out of Our Revolutionary Minds Toward a Pedagogy of Revolt," why does Moraga state that the educational system in America is flawed?
6. Why does Moraga believe it is vital for artists to continue to create art that reflects their own cultural identities?
7. Explain one of the myths of lesbian sexuality regarding penetration and how Moraga's own experiences go against it.
8. What are Moraga's thoughts regarding post-modernism's use of jargon leading to a marginalization of topics?
9. Who is La Mujer Llorena and what is her story?
10. What did Moraga learn about sexism from being raised a Chicana woman?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
LOVING IN THE WAR YEARS is a classic story of the search to find your true identity and the struggle to preserve it. What does that classification entail? Why does Moraga's work in this book fit into this category? Explain.
Essay Topic 2
Define Octavio Paz' distinction between a chingon and a chingada. Which of these roles had Moraga adopted when she first started having sex with women? Why does Moraga say she adopted the position she did? What were the influences on her.
Essay Topic 3
The role of parental influence was strong for Moraga and she states that her lesbianism was largely associated with her mother's very active and tender role in her life. Explain the influence of Moraga's mother on her life, thoughts, values, etc. What influence, if any, did Moraga's homosexual father have in her life?
This section contains 1,077 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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