Loving in the War Years: Lo Que Nunca Pasó Por Sus Labios Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Loving in the War Years: Lo Que Nunca Pasó Por Sus Labios Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the extreme goal of White Supremacists?
(a) Segregation.
(b) Extermination.
(c) Integration.
(d) Aggression.

2. In Chicano culture, a lesbian is considered to be __________________.
(a) An outlaw.
(b) A mistake of nature.
(c) An unbalanced person.
(d) A misguided person.

3. According to Paz, the chingon is the ___________ partner.
(a) Passive.
(b) Active.
(c) Uninterested.
(d) Annoyed.

4. From what other institution can the women's movement learn?
(a) Education.
(b) Religion.
(c) Politics.
(d) Sports.

5. According to Moraga, most white people in America do not know ____________________.
(a) Anything about Hispanics.
(b) How to help others.
(c) The nationality of their ancestors.
(d) The time of day.

Short Answer Questions

1. Moraga found that when she first started having sex with women she was assuming the role of ______________.

2. Proponents of post-modernism are notorious for using _____________________.

3. In "Looking for the Insatiable Woman" who is La Mujer Llorena?

4. In Chicana culture, men are considered to be __________________.

5. What is the literary device used by Anzaldua when she wrote that the United States-Mexican border was a "1,950 mile-long open wound"?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Moraga feel the feminist movement may be doomed to failure?

2. Why does Moraga say that minority culture art is almost destined to fail in America?

3. Why does Moraga use the feminist movement to point out how society has inherent prejudices?

4. What does Moraga think might be the deep, real reason that women kill their children?

5. According to Moraga, what is the university system only interested in producing?

6. Why does Moraga say she originally assumed the role of chingon in sexual relations with women?

7. What does Moraga feel is the source of the problems with primary education?

8. What is the distinction made between two partners in any sexual act as defined by Octavio Paz in "A Long Line of Vendidas"?

9. Why is sexism an even more complex subject than racism?

10. Why does Moraga believe it is vital for artists to continue to create art that reflects their own cultural identities?

(see the answer keys)

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