Loving in the War Years: Lo Que Nunca Pasó Por Sus Labios Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Loving in the War Years: Lo Que Nunca Pasó Por Sus Labios Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a misogynist?
(a) Someone who hates women.
(b) Someone who collects stamps.
(c) Someone who is an expert in Greek mythology.
(d) Someone who does puzzles.

2. How did Moraga cover up her feelings about having sex with a woman?
(a) She became angry.
(b) She became sullen.
(c) She became aggressive.
(d) She became silent.

3. According to Moraga, the problems with primary education are mainly related to ____________________.
(a) A lack of respect for culture.
(b) Disinterested parents.
(c) A lack of funding for arts.
(d) Inept teachers.

4. About what school of thought is Moraga critical in this essay?
(a) Liberal.
(b) Post-moderism.
(c) Conservatism.
(d) Independent.

5. In Chicana culture, men are considered to be __________________.
(a) Better dressers than women.
(b) Funnier than women.
(c) Better than women.
(d) More generous than women.

6. Why does Moraga think she was assuming the role of chingon?
(a) Because of her repressed sexuality.
(b) Because of her social status.
(c) Because of her physical strength.
(d) Because of her hormones.

7. Moraga reasons that the woman and the lesbian who killed the woman's children were reacting against ___________.
(a) Men.
(b) Motherhood.
(c) Society.
(d) Marriage.

8. According to Moraga, the educational system in America is flawed because it is dominated by _____________________________.
(a) White, upper-class men.
(b) The government.
(c) Ignorant people.
(d) Controlling School Boards.

9. According to Moraga, who does intellectualism serve?
(a) Ministers.
(b) Universities.
(c) The ruling class.
(d) Students.

10. According to Paz, the chingon is the ___________ partner.
(a) Active.
(b) Uninterested.
(c) Passive.
(d) Annoyed.

11. Chicana sexism is largely based upon the notion of _____________.
(a) Education.
(b) Class.
(c) Betrayal.
(d) Beauty.

12. In "Querida Companera," Moraga writes about the feeling of ___________________.
(a) Being in love.
(b) Being rejected.
(c) Kissing a woman.
(d) Achieving goals.

13. Moraga claims that excessive jargon leads to ________________ of the ideas upon which it touches.
(a) Validation.
(b) Criticism.
(c) Marginalization.
(d) Evasion.

14. Who is Octavio Paz?
(a) A Mexican author.
(b) A Mexican athlete.
(c) A Mexican singer.
(d) A Mexican politician.

15. In "Looking for the Insatiable Woman" who is La Mujer Llorena?
(a) The creative woman.
(b) The important woman.
(c) The crying woman.
(d) The magical woman.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Entre Nos," Moraga states that she is connected spiritually with whom?

2. To what does the feminist movement neglect to pay attention?

3. Moraga feels that ___________ which is/are based on some specific minority culture seems doomed to failure in America.

4. Women are discriminated against dependent upon which of the following situations?

5. What is the theme in this section of the book?

(see the answer keys)

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