Love in the Time of Cholera Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Love in the Time of Cholera Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is the best definition for the term paradoxically as used to describe the narrator's telling of the trivial matters of domestic life that nearly caused the strong bond between husband and wife to disintegrate?
(a) Person of opposites
(b) Surprising
(c) Self-contradictory statement
(d) Something absurd or contradictory

2. Which of the following is a definition for inamorata?
(a) Man who loves a woman
(b) Woman whom somebody loves
(c) Man whom somebody loves
(d) Woman who loves a man

3. What does the one letter which Florentino delivers to Fermina pledge?
(a) Perfect lust and everlasting admiration
(b) Perfect love and everlasting fidelity
(c) Perfect admiration and everlasting lust
(d) Perfect fidelity and everlasting love

4. What was Jeremiah de Saint-Amour's profession?
(a) Doctor
(b) Artist
(c) Photographer
(d) Government official

5. Who moves in with Florentino and his mother when he returns home from his post in the mountains?
(a) A widow
(b) A soldier of the civil war
(c) His father
(d) Ferina Daza

Short Answer Questions

1. Why had Florentino maintained his virginity even through his days at the brothel?

2. Which of the following is NOT a step that Dr. Juvenal Urbino takes to help stop the spread of cholera?

3. Who helps to aid the communication between Fermina and Florentino?

4. What is Juvenal Urbino's profession?

5. What "punishment" was inflicted upon Dr. Urbino during the argument over the soap in the bathroom?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does Florentino spend his time when Fermina is off on her journey?

2. Who conspired with Fermina's father to compel Fermina to marry Dr. Juvenal Urbino?

3. What is one reason that Florentino considers himself old?

4. Describe Florentino's only lover at the time of Dr. Urbino's death.

5. What is the overriding theme of this novel?

6. Name three ways that Florentino cultivates the fourteen-year-old school girl he takes as his lover.

7. Where does Florentino see dead bodies?

8. When was the time that Fermina and Dr. Urbino loved each other best?

9. What does Florentino's uncle claim there must be in order for there to be love?

10. Which sport is loved by some of the characters in this chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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