Love for Love Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Love for Love Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who enters the room with Mr. Tattle?
(a) the real Angelica
(b) Mrs. Foresight
(c) Sir Sampson
(d) the nurse

2. What characteristic does Mrs. Frail possess that emboldens her to rescue Benjamin from Miss Prue?
(a) cunning
(b) deceptive
(c) opportunistic
(d) demure

3. What does Scandal try to do when at last in the company of Mrs. Foresight?
(a) flirt with her so Sir Sampson can see
(b) flirt with her about their intimate encounter the night before
(c) flirt in front of Mr. Foresight to embarass her
(d) bemoan and lament Valentine's destiny

4. What characteristic could Valentine possibily show to change the dynamic in his relationship with his father?
(a) cordial manners
(b) humor
(c) maturity
(d) congeniality

5. Who arrives shortly after Scandal tries to engage Mrs. Foresight in flirting?
(a) Sir Sampson
(b) Angelica
(c) Benjamin
(d) Valentine

6. Where does Mrs. Frail take Ben after the heated argument with Miss Prue?
(a) Mrs. Foresights rooms
(b) her bedroom
(c) the dining room
(d) the balconey

7. How does Mrs. Foresight respond to Scandal's shameless flirting?
(a) she turns her attention to Mr. Foresight
(b) she flirts with him
(c) she has conventiently forgotten their previous encounter
(d) she leaves the room in disgust

8. Why does Miss Prue reject all overtures from Ben?
(a) she is in love with Tattle
(b) she is in love with Valetine
(c) she wants to return to the country
(d) she is in love with Scandal

9. After Foresight leaves, what does Scandal continue to do?
(a) leaves the room
(b) seduce Mrs. Foresight
(c) seek to find Angelica
(d) seduce Miss Prue

10. In what mental state does Sir Sampson leave his son Valentine's home?
(a) a state of grief
(b) a state of relief
(c) a state of concern
(d) a state of despair

11. Which character has Mrs. Foresight conceived a trick with that involves Mrs. Frail?
(a) Jeremy
(b) Valentine
(c) Sir Sampson
(d) Scandal

12. Which two characters enter the room in the middle of a heated argument between Ben and Miss Prue?
(a) Angelica and Mrs. Foresight
(b) Mrs. Foresight and Mrs. Frail
(c) Mrs. Frail and Valentine
(d) Mrs. Frail and a servant

13. How does Angelica respond to Valentine's revelation?
(a) she pretends to act like Valentine is still mad
(b) she ignores Valentine
(c) she pretends she loves someone else
(d) she pretends to love Valentine even more

14. The actions of the characters in Act 4 can best be described as:
(a) lonely
(b) confusing
(c) romantic
(d) exhausting

15. Who is arriving to Valentine's home for the signing of the legal papers?
(a) Mr. Tattle
(b) Benjamin
(c) Sir Sampson
(d) Trapland

Short Answer Questions

1. How best describes the father and son relationship between Ben and Sir Sampson?

2. What does Miss Prue's rejection of Ben ignite?

3. Who is the most delighted character to welcome Ben back from the sea?

4. What does Jeremy inform Angelica of when she arrives at Valentine's home?

5. Which characters interrupt Valentine, Angelica, and Scandal as they are walking in conversation?

(see the answer keys)

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