Love Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Erich Segal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Love Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Erich Segal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Oliver do during that next year?
(a) Reconciles finally with his father.
(b) Works hard and edits and writes law articles.
(c) Joins the Harvard crew team.
(d) Works at a pizza place and goes to school.

2. What does the medical costs for Jenny's care foreshadow?
(a) Oliver having to ask his father for money.
(b) Oliver filing for bankruptcy.
(c) Jenny's death.
(d) Jenny asking Phil to mortgage his house for her medical bills.

3. Where do Jenny and Oliver work?
(a) A boat club.
(b) Harvard library.
(c) Ellis Island.
(d) The Smithsonian.

4. Why does he buy these tickets?
(a) To cruise down the Amazon river, something Jenny has always wanted to do.
(b) To romance her once more in such a romantic place.
(c) To seek a cure through Chinese medicine.
(d) To give Jenny a chance to see the city where she was supposed to study.

5. Where are Jenny and Oliver in July?
(a) Boston.
(b) Rhode Island.
(c) New York City.
(d) Dennis Port.

6. Who is called back to the clinic?
(a) Neither of them.
(b) Oliver.
(c) Both of them.
(d) Jenny.

7. Where does the couple go for consultation?
(a) To Jenny's father.
(b) An astrologer.
(c) A fertility doctor.
(d) A financial adviser.

8. What does Oliver do for the first time in his adult life?
(a) Goes to a loan shark.
(b) Turns to God.
(c) Calls his father and begs.
(d) Goes to a prostitute.

9. How does Oliver respond?
(a) Refuses to attend sports events in case he would encounter his father.
(b) He really wants to stay in law school
(c) His tries to call his father at Jenny's insistence.
(d) He is willing to join with her if they can go to the South Pacific.

10. What is Oliver's ranking at graduation?
(a) In the middle.
(b) Third.
(c) It's irrelevant; they don't do a final ranking.
(d) Near the bottom.

11. Who calls Oliver's parents and for what reason?
(a) Phil calls to talk to Oliver Barrett, III.
(b) Jenny calls to invite them to lunch.
(c) Jenny calls to refuse the invitation.
(d) Oliver calls to refuse the invitation.

12. What does Jenny insist on continuing?
(a) Her volunteer work at the public library.
(b) Her job as a teacher.
(c) The housework and cooking.
(d) Helping Oliver research his cases.

13. Who does Oliver see coming into the lobby as he is leaving?
(a) Oliver's father.
(b) Oliver's mother.
(c) A priest to see Jenny.
(d) Jenny's sister.

14. What does Oliver do the first time they come to the apartment?
(a) Carries Jenny over the threshold.
(b) Cries.
(c) Pours an expensive bottle of wine for them.
(d) Smashes the door with his fist in humiliation.

15. How soon does Jenny become pregnant after they move to New York?
(a) Jenny has not yet become pregnant.
(b) She was already pregnant before Oliver graduated.
(c) She does not want to become pregnant.
(d) She became pregnant within days of stopping the pill.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jenny say in jest that they would name a boy child?

2. What is the result of his ranking?

3. How could the firm be described where Oliver is to work?

4. What is Jenny doing when she suddenly says she has to go to the hospital?

5. What happens while Oliver is holding Jenny?

(see the answer keys)

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