Love Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Erich Segal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Love Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Erich Segal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Oliver get wounded in the hockey game?
(a) His side.
(b) His face.
(c) His leg.
(d) He did not get hurt.

2. How does Oliver feel about dinner with his father?
(a) Elated.
(b) Indifferent.
(c) Confused.
(d) Unhappy.

3. At the beginning of this chapter what does Oliver admit concerning Jenny?
(a) That he is just using Jenny for sex.
(b) That he does not actually like her.
(c) That he has already planned their wedding.
(d) That he has not attempted to have sex with her.

4. When Oliver walks Jennifer back to her dorm, what does he tell her?
(a) That he doesn't think they should see each other again.
(b) That he had a terrible time with her.
(c) That he would like to take her to meet his family.
(d) That he might not see her for a few months.

5. Who is with Oliver in the car?
(a) Ray.
(b) Jenny.
(c) No one.
(d) Phil.

6. What is Jenny's overall emotion?
(a) Indifference.
(b) Nervousness.
(c) Eagerness.
(d) She is not with Oliver.

7. When is Jenny leaving for Paris?
(a) As soon as she and Oliver are married.
(b) As soon as school is over for the summer.
(c) As soon as Oliver can arrange to attend graduate school in Paris.
(d) She's not going since she's marrying Oliver.

8. What seems likely to be developing between Jenny and Oliver?
(a) Real love and not infatuation.
(b) A relationship that is going nowhere.
(c) A love-hate relationship because of their class differences.
(d) A relationship based solely on physical attraction.

9. What does Jenny do when Oliver pulls into the driveway of an estate?
(a) Gets excited at the idea of marrying so much money.
(b) Nearly panics.
(c) Jumps out of the car and says she's not going any further.
(d) Jenny is not with Oliver.

10. Where does Oliver's father want to take him?
(a) To South America to learn to climb mountains.
(b) To a doctor.
(c) To London.
(d) Back to his home in Boston.

11. What does Oliver's father admonish him about when they are eating at the club?
(a) Eating too fast.
(b) Not calling his mother often enough.
(c) Not following up on the law school application.
(d) Driving too fast.

12. Before Oliver asks Jenny to marry him, what did the relationship seem to be?
(a) Destined to end soon.
(b) A casual affair.
(c) A way for Oliver to consort with someone of lower class to learn about that part of society.
(d) An on again, off again affair.

13. What does Jenny think about Mrs. Barrett's announcement?
(a) She is delighted.
(b) She thinks it's terrible.
(c) She is embarrassed.
(d) She is impressed.

14. How does Oliver's father react to Oliver's marriage plans?
(a) He thinks Oliver has made a great choice.
(b) He tries to buy Jenny's refusal.
(c) Oliver has not told his father.
(d) He is outraged.

15. How does Oliver seem to feel about his illustrious ancestors?
(a) Almost embarrassed.
(b) Condescending to Jenny.
(c) It's not obvious what he feels.
(d) Proud.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the girl at Radcliffe's library object to Oliver's using Radcliffe's library instead of Harvard's?

2. What is named after Oliver's family?

3. After dinner, how can the atmosphere between Oliver and his father be described?

4. With whom is he talking?

5. Where are Oliver and Jenny going in this chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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