Love, Stargirl Test | Final Test - Medium

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Love, Stargirl Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What advice does Betty Lou give Stargirl when she forces her out of bed one day?
(a) Live today.
(b) Learn from mistakes.
(c) Don't trust anyone.
(d) Bury hurts.

2. Why does Perry say he wants to learn to meditate?
(a) To be more like her.
(b) To spend some time with her.
(c) To be alone for once.
(d) To escape his life.

3. Where does Neva work?
(a) The cemetery.
(b) The diner.
(c) The store.
(d) The school.

4. Who owns the cereus?
(a) Betty Lou.
(b) Perry.
(c) Stargirl's mother.
(d) Leo.

5. What makes Stargirl feel connected to Arnold?
(a) She wants to find him.
(b) She wants to help people.
(c) She wants Leo to look for her.
(d) She wants to find herself.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who fires Alvina?

2. Where does Alvina work?

3. What phase is Stargirl supposed to help Alvina get out of?

4. Who tells Alvina about Counting Coup?

5. Who makes Dootsie a costume?

Short Essay Questions

1. What about Stargirl has Perry counted, and what does this reveal?

2. What is the cereus?

3. What does Stargirl say would have to happen for Leo to see this letter?

4. Why does Stargirl start spending more time with Alvina?

5. What makes Dootsie love the Blobfest so much?

6. Why does Stargirl not think her actions with the fire were heroic?

7. How does Alvina get fired?

8. How does Stargirl distract herself from the disappointment she feels when Perry disappoints her?

9. What is strange about the first long conversation Stargirl has with Perry?

10. What is Counting Coup?

(see the answer keys)

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