Love Letter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

George Saunders
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 59 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Love Letter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

George Saunders
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 59 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Robbie's grandfather say he is "touched" (3)?
(a) Robbie wrote him in his time of need.
(b) Robbie said he loved him in his email.
(c) Robbie's mother still calls every day.
(d) Robbie visited him on Easter.

2. Which of Robbie's friends lacked the proper citizenships papers?
(a) G.
(b) R.
(c) M.
(d) J.

3. What does Robbie's grandfather say he had written "in the early days" (3)?
(a) Personal essays.
(b) Letters to the editor.
(c) Haiku.
(d) Comic strips.

4. When did Robbie's grandfather meet the friends he speaks of in his letter?
(a) Easter.
(b) Valentine's Day.
(c) Christmas.
(d) Hannukah.

5. Who is the recipient of the "Love Letter"?
(a) Max.
(b) Ralph.
(c) Robbie.
(d) Richie.

6. Who does Robbie's grandfather say he has been in touch with, though he does not think it will help?
(a) J.
(b) A lawyer.
(c) M.
(d) The president.

7. What gift does Robbie's grandfather say R. and K. had given him when he was young?
(a) A bronze Lincoln bank.
(b) A plastic Lincoln figure.
(c) A painting of Lincoln.
(d) A gold Lincoln statue.

8. What two ways does Robbie's grandfather tell him he will respond to his question about what to do about his friend?
(a) As a citizen and as a friend.
(b) As a citizen and a grandfather.
(c) As a nationalist and as a loyalist.
(d) As a loyalists and as a free man.

9. What does the letter writer call the recipient in the first line of "Love Letter"?
(a) Son.
(b) Chap.
(c) Kid.
(d) Buddy.

10. What did Robbie do when his sister lost her scarf during a family trip?
(a) He laughed.
(b) He knitted her a new one.
(c) He bought her a new one.
(d) He jumped in the water and found it.

11. What does Robbie's grandfather say about his friends R. and K.?
(a) They are loyalists.
(b) They are pacifists.
(c) They are revolutionaries.
(d) They are fascists.

12. What word does the letter writer use to describe the present times?
(a) Strange.
(b) Mediocre.
(c) Good.
(d) Wild.

13. What does Robbie's grandfather say changes constantly to suit those in power?
(a) Fashion.
(b) Laws.
(c) The education system.
(d) Dietary guidelines.

14. What Christmas gift from Robbie were his grandparents using the morning the letter was written?
(a) Yellow t-shirts.
(b) Green mittens.
(c) Blue mugs.
(d) Pink stationary.

15. What did an officer say to Robbie's grandfather after pulling him over for no reason?
(a) Stay off the road.
(b) Stop reading the paper.
(c) Stay home and stay quiet.
(d) Stay off the computer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Robbie's grandfather do to keep some of his communication private?

2. What does Robbie's grandfather assure Robbie regarding the last part of his email?

3. What might the "loyalists" think J. did when she did not share with them information on G. and M.?

4. What does Robbie's grandfather say everyone is sick of hearing?

5. What does Robbie's grandfather tell him you realize when you reach a certain age?

(see the answer keys)

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