Lost in Yonkers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lost in Yonkers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Into where is Bella eager to invite Arty and Jay?
(a) A party.
(b) The movie theatre.
(c) Her quirky life.
(d) Her business deal.

2. How must Bella feel about movies?
(a) Sadness.
(b) Passionately.
(c) Fear.
(d) Unsure.

3. According to Grandma, what do nothing but create unrealistic dreams?
(a) Boyfriends.
(b) Songs.
(c) Movies and movie magazines.
(d) Bachelor degrees.

4. Who is speaking at the beginning of the scene?
(a) Arty.
(b) Bella.
(c) Jay.
(d) Eddie.

5. What is Bella the only one who seems to understand?
(a) How to save money.
(b) What Louie is doing with his life.
(c) How to love the two boys.
(d) Where to find Eddie.

6. How do the boys react when their father tells them that they will be spending the next 10 months with their Grandmother?
(a) They cry.
(b) The boys' discomfort escalates.
(c) They are excited.
(d) They are angry.

7. What does Grandma Kurnitz see no point in doing?
(a) Endorsing her daughter's dreams.
(b) Sending the boys to school.
(c) Calling Eddie.
(d) Getting out of bed.

8. What is clear about Eddie?
(a) He is leaving his children permanently.
(b) He loves his job.
(c) He is working himself to exhaustion.
(d) He is searching for his wife.

9. Where is it hidden?
(a) In the apartment.
(b) In the car.
(c) In a bank.
(d) In her back pocket.

10. What will Eddie be doing?
(a) Selling scrap metal.
(b) Borrowing more money.
(c) Borrowing money from a loan shark.
(d) Going to jail.

11. What does Louie sense?
(a) The boys' lack of trust.
(b) The boys' need for some adventure.
(c) The boys' anger.
(d) The boys' fear.

12. To what has Grandma Kurnitz reluctantly agreed?
(a) Allow Eddie to stay.
(b) To let the boys go.
(c) Make dinner for the family.
(d) Keep the boys.

13. How is this scene similar to Act I, Scene 2?
(a) This scene begins with Bella.
(b) This scene begins with a voice-over.
(c) This scene begins with Eddie walking into the room.
(d) This scene begins with the boys talking.

14. To whom is this character speaking?
(a) Bella.
(b) Arty and Jay.
(c) Eddie.
(d) Grandma Kurnitz.

15. When are the boys even more mesmerized?
(a) When the pet rat learns new tricks.
(b) When Grandma puts fear in everyone, including the adults.
(c) When Johnny brings them popcorn and candy.
(d) When they see Louie's gun inside his jacket.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does it mean to be stealthy?

2. Why is Bella able to understand this?

3. Who are Arty and Jay?

4. How does Eddie tell the boys?

5. What does Bella tell the boys that Grandma has hidden?

(see the answer keys)

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