The Lost World Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lost World Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who takes off on the motorcycle to find the abandoned Explorer?

2. Instead of thanking his rescuer for saving him from the charging dinosaur, what does Levine do?

3. Who offers Sarah Harding a ride to Isla Sorna?

4. As most of the onlookers in the hide celebrate Malcolm, Harding, and Thorne's survival from the trailers, Arby is watching something else. What is Arby watching?

5. How tall is the high hide that Levine's group assembles on Isla Sorna?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Levine insist that the tyrannosaurus rex that chases them is not truly a danger to them?

2. Describe the type and behavior of dinosaur that is attacking the high hide?

3. While everyone is tending to the baby dinosaur, Levine calls in and asks to speak to Thorne privately. What does Levine tell Thorne?

4. When the men move out from their landing site, why do they decide to head north?

5. Why does Malcolm wait behind in the trailer while Harding races to the high hide to rescue the others?

6. Describe the appearance of the raptor nest.

7. How does Levine respond when Malcolm and Thorne berate him for coming to Costa Rica alone and without telling the others where he was going?

8. Based on the discussion between Levine, Malcolm, Thorne, and Arby regarding apatosaurs, why do these dinosaurs probably have long necks?

9. As dawn breaks and Levine waits in the store for news of Harding's progress, what does Levine suddenly remember that dawn signifies in predator territory?

10. How does Kelly end up locating the tunnel that she and the other group members use to escape from the raptors in the store?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Both Dodgson and Levine arrive on Isla Sorna specifically because of their need to find the dinosaurs.

a. Compare and contrast the motivations of Dodgson and Levine.

b. How do their differing motivations impact their view of the dinosaurs, their interactions with the jungle environment, and their ability to think on their feet as the situation becomes more fluid and more deadly?

c. How are their relationships to the people they are on the island with dictated by each man's overriding goals?

Essay Topic 2

Through his research, Levine comes to believe that the lost world is located on Isla Sorna. Malcolm agrees.

a. Discuss the process by which Levine and Malcolm come to rest on Isla Sorna as the lost world's hiding place.

b. What features of the island make it a suitable candidate for their expedition? Identify at least five features of the island.

c. What is the importance of the volcano located on the island?

d. Based on the information revealed about Isla Sorna before the group embarks on their trip, would you have believed that Levine located the right island? Why or why not? Be sure to support your reasoning.

Essay Topic 3

George Baselton wears different masks in the story. Both a respected Stanford professor and the mastermind behind the Isla Sorna escapade, Baselton is a study in contradictions. Identify, then compare and contrast the different sides of Baselton. How would Baselton's master plan to steal the dinosaur eggs from Isla Sorna have been affected if he had not been seen as an above-board researcher? Why is it necessary for Baselton to wear different masks?

(see the answer keys)

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