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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. According to Malcolm's interpretation, what is located on the island that Levine believes houses Site B?
2. What is Ian Malcolm's profession?
3. According to Malcolm, what are complex animals able to insulate themselves against?
4. Where does the person who interrupted Malcolm's lecture with his theory think the object of his theory might be located?
5. According to Malcolm's speech, how many species of plants and animals have existed on the planet since life began?
Short Essay Questions
1. According to the Biosyn spy, why is Levine teaching a class at Woodside Junior High?
2. How does Dodgson convince the head of Biosyn to allow Dodgson one more opportunity to successfully gain the dinosaur DNA he has been seeking?
3. Identify and describe the theory supported by the high levels of iridium at the K-T boundary.
4. When Thorne and the children arrive at Levine's apartment, name three items that they find.
5. When the theory of evolution was first presented, there was very little debate. Why?
6. What is the "Edge of Chaos"?
7. Why, in Malcolm's opinion, is his extinction theory untestable?
8. Describe the type of behavior that is common to all complex systems.
9. As Ed James sits outside Levine's apartment and eavesdrops on the conversation between Thorne, Malcolm, and the children, why is James embarrassed?
10. What is reductionism? Is it useful in complexity theory or not?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Compare and contrast the characters of Sarah Harding and Richard Levine in terms of their personality characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses. How does Harding's stabilizing presence work in harmony with Levine's impetuous nature? How do they work against each other? Without Harding's presence on the island, would Levine have survived the island? Why or why not?
Essay Topic 2
Explore Crichton's story through the quotes used at the beginning of each configuration. How do the quotes fit with the themes and events of each configuration? What do the quotes foreshadow? Why does the author choose these particular ideas - "quotes" from Ian Malcolm - to be at the beginning of each new section?
a. First Configuration - "In the conservative region far from the chaotic edge, individual elements coalesce slowly, showing no clear pattern."
b. Second Configuration - "Self-organization elaborates in complexity as the system advances toward the chaotic edge."
c. Third Configuration - "In the intermediate phase, swiftly developing complexity within the system hides the risk of imminent chaos. But the risk is there."
d. Fourth Configuration - "Approaching the chaotic edge, elements show internal conflict. An unstable and potentially lethal region."
e. Fifth Configuration - "At the edge of chaos, unexpected outcomes occur. The risk to survival is severe."
f. Sixth Configuration - "Order collapses in simultaneous regions. Survival is now unlikely for individuals and groups."
g. Seventh Configuration - "Partial restabilization may occur after eliminating destructive elements. Survival is partly determined by chance events."
Essay Topic 3
Throughout the course of the novel, Levine works with two very different men in order to prepare for his expedition - and then once on the island itself. Compare and contrast the relationship Levine has with Thorne to the relationship Hammond has with Malcolm. Then, compare and contrast the two men. How do these two relationships influence not only Levine, but the events that take place on the island?
This section contains 945 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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