The Lost World Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lost World Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From the high hide, who does Arby see trying to make his way to the river?
(a) Carr.
(b) King.
(c) Baselton.
(d) Dodgson.

2. Just as the dinosaurs are about to pass by the high hide without incident, what catches the attention of one of the dinosaurs?
(a) A candy bar wrapper.
(b) A video tape cassette.
(c) A radio.
(d) A shoe.

3. After joining Levine in the high hide, the group watches what kind of herd face down a single raptor?
(a) A triceratops herd.
(b) A stegosaur herd.
(c) An apatosaur herd.
(d) A compy herd.

4. Which one of the people in the high hide is the first to fall to the ground?
(a) Kelly.
(b) Levine.
(c) Eddie.
(d) Arby.

5. According to what Thorne tells the man who warns them about Isla Sorna, when are Thorne, Carr, and Malcolm planning to leave Isla Sorna?
(a) Within one week.
(b) Within five days.
(c) Within two days.
(d) Within two weeks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color is the vehicle that Dodgson brings to the island?

2. After the people in the Jeep successfully rescue the person in the circular cage and return to the ridge road, what do they find waiting for them?

3. Which of Dodgson's team is the first to be killed by a dinosaur?

4. As Malcolm, Thorne, and Carr continue to explore the complex, what are they surprised to find?

5. As Harding walks through the jungle, she climbs a tree to safety as predator dinosaurs attack another herd. How many predators attack?

Short Essay Questions

1. The man who is out searching for gas begins to ponder why the raptors are not following them any longer. What is his theory?

2. After the raptors roll the cage away, what does Kelly tell the others about the lone raptor that went off on its own?

3. What is the purpose of Hammond's Site B?

4. After Dodgson is carried off by the adult tyrannosaur, the dinosaur does not kill and eat Dodgson. Why?

5. While King has risen up through the ranks of the corporate spies, what has he struggled to do since joining Biosyn?

6. As dawn breaks and Levine waits in the store for news of Harding's progress, what does Levine suddenly remember that dawn signifies in predator territory?

7. How does Levine respond when Malcolm and Thorne berate him for coming to Costa Rica alone and without telling the others where he was going?

8. How does Kelly end up locating the tunnel that she and the other group members use to escape from the raptors in the store?

9. How is the dinosaur kill site that Harding sees different from anything she has seen before in Africa?

10. Why does Levine insist that the tyrannosaurus rex that chases them is not truly a danger to them?

(see the answer keys)

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