Lost in the Funhouse Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lost in the Funhouse Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Ambrose’s mother put off his baptism?
(a) She wanted him to understand the ceremony
(b) She had just procrastinated
(c) She could not decide what church to use
(d) She is not baptized herself

2. What does Ambrose’s mother say when Magda wins the Towers game?
(a) Females will always win over the males
(b) Magda won because someone has a girlfriend
(c) Magda has better eyes than her sons
(d) She does not get a prize because she is not a member of the family

3. How does Peter get into the swimming pool?
(a) He lies down at the side and rolls into the water
(b) He cannonballs into the pool
(c) He makes a swan dive
(d) He goes down the ladder

4. What does Peter say is the reason Uncle Karl wants to go to the beach?
(a) He likes to get a good tan
(b) He likes to watch the women
(c) He likes to surf fish
(d) He likes to body surf

5. Why does Ambrose walk on Magda’s right side when they are on the boardwalk?
(a) To protect her from the street
(b) Because Peter is on her left side
(c) To shade her from the sun
(d) Because she is left handed and has a box in her left hand

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ambrose realize when he is the first person through the tumble-barrel room?

2. What does the narrator say triangulation is?

3. What does Ambrose think will happen when he never comes out of the funhouse?

4. What does the narrator say is the most distinguishing physical feature of Ambrose’s father?

5. Why does Ambrose go under the boardwalk?

Short Essay Questions

1. When thoroughly lost, what does Ambrose imagine happens to him in the Funhouse?

2. What kind of machines in the arcade are broken, and why are they sitting there broken?

3. How are the teenagers able to get into the Funhouse?

4. How does Magda react to Ambrose taking her arm, and what does he want to tell her?

5. Why does Ambrose think people don’t know what to make of him?

6. What do Peter and Uncle Karl try at the pool, and how does Ambrose’s mother react to their behavior? How is Ambrose involved in the situation?

7. What is a traditional game the family plays when approaching the midway point, and what is the prize for the winner?

8. What gives Ambrose hope that he will find the exit to the Funhouse?

9. Why are the prizes different on the broken machines at the arcade?

10. What does the narrator say is the best thing to do when one is lost, and what is the drawback to that action?

(see the answer keys)

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